The Forced Marriage With The Werewolf

Chapter 39-5

Making my way into the palace I make my way straight to the king's quarters, hoping my mother and sister were safe in there. I pass by the battered corpses of the people I'd worked alongside in the palace, my eyes stinging, but I don't stop running. The Wolves allow me to pass, and I hope I don't encounter Artemis before I've located my mother and sister. For if I did I was sure to try to rip him to pieces.

Seeing the doors to the king's quarters I rip them open my knees crumbling beneath me as I catch sight of my mother laying down, clutching my sister to her chest. I walk closer on trembling legs, calling to them but they don't turn. Putting a shaking hand on my mother's shoulder I tug her to face me. A shallow gasp escaping me as I catch sight of the blood on her dress. Her arm unfurls from around Lili. Lilium's white and purple dress covered in blood that streams from her throat, that had been ripped clean out. My mother's body littered with bruises and the claw marks covered in blood. She'd fought them, fought to keep the Wolves that I'd unleashed upon them away. Struggling for her own and her daughter's life. Knowing these were the arrangements her own son had made. She didn't know I'd only meant for the prince to perish tonight, no one did. Not that it mattered, what my intentions were.

My legs collapse under me, pulling them towards me I clutch their still warm forms to my chest. Lilium's empty big green eyes staring into my own as I sob, my body trembling but I clutch them both tightly. Their blood staining me but I can't let go, I can't move, I can't stop crying. My chest begins to feel as if it's going to cave on itself, my lungs burning but it feels like I'm unable to breathe.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I chant under my breath like a mantra.

I gasp out as my hair is tugged, my body being dragged backwards, and my family's bodies slip from my arms. No matter how much I cry out for them, I can't reach them as I'm dragged away, my body picked up and flung into a wall. But I deserve the pain, I cherish it. The physical pain was so much better than the storm inside. My body is slammed into the wall numerous times, but strangely no hands are felt on me. My body slumps against the bottom of the wall, my ribs aching with every breath, definitely broken but I succumb to the pain. I was worthy of much


Bing away my tears I catch sight of long flowing curling blonde hair. That flows down the slender tall body of the queen. Her blue eyes glowing in fury as she gazes at me.

"You killed him." She shrieks, her voice so deafeningly loud, I feel blood immediately begin to seep out of my ears.

A wolf tries to make its way into the room, but she slams the door shut with just a glance.

"You killed my husband." She screams again, but her voice much quieter this time.

"You let the Wolves in didn't you?" She asks, and I nod, hoping she'd kill me. Reunite me with my mother and sister, punish me, end my misery.

"I-I let them in, he's dead because of me." I say, seeing her thin jaw clench tightly in rage, her sky blue eyes glinting with malice and sorrow.

"I'm not going to kill you." She says and I look at her in alarm, who wouldn't she. I wanted her to. "That'll be too easy." She says softly making her way towards me, her hands lifting from her sides, my limp broken body moving along with them until I hover above her.

"I killed your son and husband." I mutter through clenched teeth and she tilts her head. "But your sister and mother died too, you cared about them didn't you?" She asks but I refuse to answer, she was no use to me if she wouldn't kill me. Her hand clenches and it feels as if my very skin is on fire, but I still refuse to answer. This pain was a relief compared to my own.

A small smirk comes on her face and she allows me to drop turning towards the corpses of my mother and sister. With a flick of her wrist their bodies are ablaze, and I'm screaming. Something indecipherable to me even.

"Answer me when I speak to you." The queen growls.

"Yes I loved them, I cared for them." I scream desperately. They deserved proper funerals, not to

be lit ablaze by the woman that despised them both.

The queen turns back to me, tears trailing down my face as I see their nearly completely burnt bodies, their blood gushing onto the floors.

"The Wolves killed them. Now young Alaricus you don't deserve to die, you deserve to live with what you did. Longer than even I will have to live without my husband. You Alaricus will live forever, and that too with the one thing that took everything from you. I'm going to give you a wolf Alaricus, he'll be inside your very mind, he'll be apart of you. He will be you, your very own wolf. A personalized version of your deepest darkest thoughts. But without the one thing that can make even a wolf fall to his knees, a mate. With the primal urges of a mateless wolf, a loveless human. Eternal damnation, we'll call him love. How sweetly ironic is that, reminding you for as long as time exists that you are nothing but a horrible beast, damned to live loveless and alone." The queen says.

"No." I beg her.

"You'll be the most powerful being in the world, more so than me even. No one will be able to hurt you. After all what's a beast without a reason for the people to fear him." She says, and making her way towards me she leans down, grabbing my head between her hands she lifts me to herself. Planting her lips on mine she kisses me deeply, mumbling against my lips one word before my body contorts with pain.

"Eros." Her melodic voice mumbles before she's gone.

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