The Forced Marriage With The Werewolf

Chapter 40-1

My lips part, mouth feeling parched as I stare at Alaricus, but he refuses to look up at me. He keeps his gaze down, looking at the floor instead of me, but his plump lower lip trembles as we sit in silence.

"After that I was- I was nothing. There was nothing left for me, I was a beast, a horrid beast, who was the reason my beautiful mother and sister had died. They'd died in the misery I'd promised to take them away from." He says, his deep voice shaky.

"The Eros you know is nothing like the Eros I knew. He was made from the darkest parts of me and in those moments I was so far gone into the dark that no light penetrated through. I was enraged, so miserable, and so very lonely. I tried hiding out, I tried killing myself but the curse was unmovable. I was stuck living, I was stuck with every dreaded breath, unable to stop them. After years I became so angry, I began hunting pythonissams." He says and I b away the tears that trail silently down my pale cheeks.

"She was right, I was stronger than her, but not her curse. I hunted pythonissams into extinction. Every creature on earth that was even rumoured to be related to witchcraft I ended. I hunted down the lines of the families, killing even their young that hadn't shown any signs of magic. There was a very low chance that an offspring may develop it later on. I wanted to ruin them for ruining me. And I did, they no longer exist, they haven't for centuries. But I saved her for last." His voice grows deeper as he speaks, something fractionally more primal.

"It was nearly a century later that I found her. She was the last one, I'd even removed the very evidence pythonissams existed from the face of the earth. I knew she was far too grieved by the death of her husband and only son to even consider reaching out to another, let alone recreating. By then my reputation had grown, I was the feared beast, the monster some thought could only be a horrific legend. I killed her." His eyes seem nearly void as he speaks, as if he didn't feel anything for what he'd done. As if he'd tried to push it down for years, and finally came up with the rewarding emptiness.

"She didn't beg me to stop like the others, in her eyes wasn't fear, it was relief. For in her eyes too was the loneliness that coursed through me with every passing moment. You don't know how it angered me to know I'd never get that relief. We had one thing in common we were both miserable beings, tired of our existence and with her last breath she said the one thing that would forever torment me. She thanked me. For pythonissams, royals, they could too choose immortal life only to end with the death of the one who loved them, and they too loved. But the king didn't love her. She'd purposely made my curse this way, so I could kill her, but forever have to live in agony." I crave to beg him to stop, but I had asked. I would get through listening to his story, I wished to know.

"Every being on earth quaked at my mere name, and it was how we liked it. We were the infamous Alpha King. Centuries had passed and I had grown so lonely that I just wanted people to recognize me, to feel something for me. Even if it was fear. By then I'd gone insane. I craved chaos and the misery of others. I was despicable. I can't even remember some of it, it's all a blur to me now. There was nothing left for me, but it was one night, I was an insomniac, still was until very recently." His eyes threaten to flicker up to me, but instead they go back to their position gazing at his feet on the floor.

"I saw a young girl, she couldn't see, she was begging for change. When she removed her glasses, she had big green eyes, like Lilium's. She smiled at me when I pressed a coin into her thin palm. Then she began to unbutton her dress, and upon being asked to stop she told me this was the way the new world was. Nobody just did good anymore. For the first time in centuries I felt sick. I realized that for all the people out there innocent like my sister and mother, I was creating a world crafted to defeat the good within them. Giving them a fate similar to one I'd given to my family and I couldn't do it anymore." He pauses, a slight shiver passing through him. "Eros too didn't like that, love is too powerful to be stopped by darkness. It forces its way into every part of you. He was a part of me, and every part of me loved my sister and mother. He hated the fact that we were hurting people like them." Alaricus explains.

"Eventually people began to forget, and to ensure that they forgot I had all records of me burnt. All books mentioning me destroyed. Eventually Wolves became more assimilated into human culture, less primal with the addition of human mates. Soon, I became just a horrific legend, many Wolves though passed down stories to their children, and many still believe them, they still know them. The Alphas especially they all know them, because Alphas are made only by their power, and I'm the biggest threat to it. That book you found, I didn't have the heart to destroy it, it was written during the time I was Alpha King, I'd had it written myself. An accurate recount of what the world used to be like. But even then I couldn't bare to see my part in the story, and I'd ripped it out." Alaricus finishes off softly.

We sit in complete silence for a few moments, my ragged breathing all that is heard throughout the vast library. Tears trail freely down my cheeks. Alaricus sits completely still, as if afraid one move would send me running. His complete statue like stature nearly alarming if it weren't for the shallow rise and fall of his broad chest, and the slight trembles of his lower lip. But they're nearly indecipherable through my blurry vision.

I take in a gasping breath, leaning forward, I cup his jaw in my hands, I raise his face to mine. His bloodshot honey eyes meet mine, and he looks so broken so vulnerable that I can't breathe. My heart seems to stop in my very chest as my eyes meet the ones of the man that the foolish organ seems to beat for.

I lean closer to him, resting my forehead on his, I let my eyes fall shut, the tears falling freely. A choked sob escapes him and my eyes open to look at him on their own accord. The deep ancient sorrow that fills them, the raw pain, makes my throat go dry. I let my body control my actions as my lips touch his plump parted trembling ones. The heat of them against my own, breathing warmth into me.

"I'm not leaving you." I say quietly and he bites his lip, pulling away from my lips, tears running freely down his face and he reaches for me. My body tenses as his arms wrap around my waist, despite how much I crave his heat, crave for him to hold me close. To get lost in his large safe arms. I can't. My body completely tenses in his hold against its will. Every muscle begs to relax, to uncoil, unravel beneath the warmth of his touch. Every part of me recognizing him as ours, but I can't. Not for the sake of my sanity.

"I'm so sorry about your family." I say quietly my hand pressed against his chest to keep him from coming closer. His hands form clenched fists on the sides of my waist, as he fights down the urge to grab me and pull me to him. He looks so very broken, so in need of comforting, for someone to just hold him. To tell him it was all over, and that he was safe now. Safe from the ghost of his past, safe from the fear that had been left behind by time. Time could heal only flesh wounds, it was love that filled the cracks and rips of internal pain.

His whole body trembles with the effort to keep from pulling me to him, and I can't take it anymore. My chest aches as I see the raw pain that's displayed so clearly within his eyes, he's been suppressing it for years and only now allowed it to surface. I can feel him nearly quake with fear, a man afraid of his own past. A man afraid of himself, afraid that his own identity would send the woman he loves running.

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