Chapter 39-4
"Alaricus you're home." She mumbled, getting up on the tops of her toes and yet she was still too small so I leant down to allow her to press a kiss to my forehead. Dropping the logs, I ushered my mother in, back to the house.
"Mom, get your stuff and Lilium's packed up, we're going to leave tonight." I tell her and she frowns in confusion. I didn't have a lot of time to explain to them, we discussed leaving very often, this wouldn't be too surprising.
"I've made arrangements but we must hurry, stay packed, only what we will be able to carry." I say, and my mother haphazardly nods. Her eyes seeming to brighten a but before they dim. "But I don't understand what arrangements, do you have any idea what could happen if we are caught, or worse preyed on by the Wolves." My mother says, and both of us turn to look at Lilium as she lets out a sniffle.
"Mom please trust me, I've taken care of it just be packed please." I plead with her and she gives me a wary nod. I crouch down in front of Lilium, opening my arms to her and she crawls in. Resting gently against me, her newly dressed doll pressed against my chest.
"Listen Lili, we're going to go far away to a better place, where the other kids won't be mean to you. Mommy will be happy there and so will you." I tell her and she looks up at me through those big green eyes of hers.
"What about you, will you be happy?" she asks innocently bringing a small smile to my face despite my nerves and I nod at her.
"I'll be very happy my little turnip." I say and she smiles ignoring the name.
"Okay then we'll go." She says and I huff out a laugh.
"I'm glad I've got Fairy Turnips consent." I say and she bows her head royally making me chuckle. "Eat with mom, and take care of her, I'll be back soon to get the two of you." I tell her and she nods, wrapping her thin arms tightly around my neck before letting me go. I press a kiss to her head, getting up to see my mom still watching the two of us, her dark eyes watery.
"Don't worry, we're gonna get out of here." I tell her.
"I know, it's just, it's my job to protect you two and here you are protecting me." She says sadly. "You're a great mother, and I love you, both of you. I'll be back for you and we'll all be happy together." I tell her pressing a kiss to her head, before I make my way out of the cabin.
I make my way to the far side of town, to avoid suspicion I couldn't carry any large weapons with me. I'd simply have to make do with the small knife I always kept on me. Finally getting to the one place I knew no villagers would come, the supposedly haunted shack. The superstitious people truly believed it was haunted. I myself though had used it many times as an escape during my childhood when the cruel judgment of the villagers got to be too much.
The knife makes a grinding noise as it works against the I of the fence, my hands near trembling with the power inside of that plain looking rusting fence. Humans weren't included in the spell, but we could still feel the power. The queen was a very powerful pythonissam. She was a magical legend, but her love for the king was slowly ruining her. Building an angst inside for her that the magic couldn't manifest along with. Magic needed stronger emotions, a motivation. The king's lack of feelings for her was making her loose motivation, her emotions weren't strong enough to conjure strong magic.
As I finish making the last cut a loud growl sounds, and I see the greenish yellow eyes glinting at me through the dark. I stiffen as they come closer. The hunger in his eyes makes me think that he might just attack me. Artemis gives out a low growl, and gestures for me to leave. Without sparing another glance I turn around, leaving him to his plans. I rush to make it to my home, running faster than I ever have. We needed enough time to escape without anyone suspecting anything and holding us back. Before the queen had time to discover and reseal the fence. I pant heavily as I make it to the cabin, quickly opening the door, I walk into the cabin calling out for my mother and Lilium. Only to receive no response. My heart begins to race as I check around the small house, my cries for them growing desperate but to no avail. Walking into the kitchen I hope they'd simply gone to one of the neighbours perhaps to fetch something although that was unlikely.
My blood runs cold as I see the small lavender coloured card, the royal summoning card of the king. Along with the inviting card always came guards to ensure the invited were unable to resist. The king would often send them for my mother.
I allow the card to drop as I take off towards the palace. My heart beat pulsing in my ears as I run, not even registering the growls around me. My mind not realizing in my panic that there shouldn't have been more than one growl resounding out in the central village. My legs push faster as the palace comes into view and I'm soon breaking through the gates only to come to an abrupt halt as my eyes connect with a pair of red ones. The wolf runs at me and I stand there frozen, unable to move, caught in it's gaze. But it stops its advance just meters before me. Artemis hasn't been the only wolf to enter, I'd been fooled.
"Artemis said Wolves can not touch king's other son, go." The wolf says and I sprint around him making my way to the entrance. Bile rising in my throat as I catch sight of the guards in the doors, they're bodies torn and mangled. A heap of flesh and bones only recognizable by the remains of their uniform.