Chapter 57 - Returning to my rejected mate
Shay's Point of View
"Okay, so the rules are simple. No dirty tricks. You will only fight in human form, no shifting. The first one to black out, or tap out looses. And most importantly. No killing."
Ryan looks at both of us.
"Do you both understand?"
We both nod and he nods back.
"Good. There will be no outside interference as long as you both stick to the rules. As soon as you ready, you can start."
"May the best person win."
I say holding my hand out to Jackson. He stares at my hand and scoffs before getting into a fighting position.
"Let's just get to it."
I slowly lower my hand and nod.
"If that's what you want."
My eyes flash with annoyance and I don't give him a chance to react. I'm infront of him in
seconds. My hand wrapped around his throat and the force of my speed helps me to knock him
to the ground. I hear the sickening crunch as his head hits the ground.
He snarls at me pushing me away from him before he gets up.
"That was a cheap shot. I wasn't ready."
He hisses touching his hand to the back of his head. I smirk, satisfied when I see the blood and I shrug.
"It's not my fault you're so slow. This is a fight. Rules in a fight can change by the second. You should know that. You should always be prepared for anything."
He doesn't reply, just lunges at me. I block him, and spinning around I aim for a low kick but he stops me by grabbing my foot, yanking me closer and landing one punch against my jaw before tossing me aside. I stumble and fall, my jaw aching and I roll over, about to stand up when I throw myself to the side, avoiding the heavy punch that hit the ground where I just was. I get up and advance. I am not letting him get the upper hand. He definitely had power on his side, he was bigger and stronger but I was faster.
I started to go at him hard. Throwing punch after punch, kick after kick. Jackson didn't back down, and he was definitely not holding back either. I got in a few good hits and so did he. I could feel myself getting tired, I looked at Jackson but he didn't even look bothered.
He smirks at me as I spit the blood out of my mouth after his last hit.
"Ready to give up?"
I shake my head.
"Of course not. We're just getting started."
I say smirking back and he frowns. We raise our arms, circling each other. Both waiting for the other to make a move. Jackson lunged at me again, aiming a kick. I narrowly dodge it, but I manage to knock his leg aside, duck and land a solid hit in his ribs. I hear something snaps and he hisses in pain. Before I can get up, he grabs my hair yanking me up, wrapping his arm around my throat and starts to squeeze. I hiss, trying to breath and clawing at his arm before I elbow him in the same ribs I broke, slamming my foot down on his and throwing my head back. I hear the satisfying crunch of his nose and he lets me go, stumbling back, away from me. I take my chance, lunging forward striking him hard and fast. Not giving him a chance to land a punch I tackle him to the ground. Throwing more punches at his face. I see his face warp with rage. He finally gets a hit in and punches me in the gut before he throws me of him.
I roll a few time before I crouch, coughing, trying to get my breath back.
"Come on, get up. Or do you yield?"
I shake my head, standing slowly but I don't answer him. I get into a fighting position and Jackson starts to circle me again, but I stay still just watching his every movement, waiting for my next chance. He suddenly lunged at me again with his arm pulled back, fist clenched. Catching me of guard he punches me in the jaw again. He hit me.. Hard. I stumble backwards and frown.. That's the last hit he'll get. I think as he advances, his fists flying at a furious speed, and all I can do is block him, I feel something in my arm snap and I hiss in pain. But I don't let my guard down, still waiting for my chance.
Jackson lowers his arms, aiming a hit for my ribs and I see my chance. His nose was wide open. If I can eliminate his vision I can take back control of the fight. I take my shot, coiling my hand into a fist and aim for the front of his nose. My fist connects with his nose at the same time his fist hits my ribs. I gasp stumbling back, just as he grabs his nose. I ignore the screaming pain in my arm and side and raise my knee hitting him straight in the crotch. He groans and falls down to his knees. I try to punch him again but he grabs my arm and twists it. I recoil in pain but lift my knee again, this time hitting him in the face.
He hissed in pain and before I know it he lands a punch to my stomach and I gasp for air, falling to me knees.
He growls at me, baring his elongated fangs but he doesn't get up and I know his defense has faltered.
Zane yells from the side but I shake my head as I get up.
I grab his neck, my claws elongating, digging into his skin.
"No Zane! Enough Jackson! This has been going on long enough. I'm not going anywhere. You can fight me all you want.. Hate me all you want.. But this is my home now. And I'll fight anyone that tries to take it away from me, or my son. Now yield."
I hiss at him and squeeze. He grabs my wrist trying to get me to let go but I dig my claws in deeper and punch him in the face once more.
He shakes his head and I punch him again before kicking him in the chest sending him flying backwards.
He rolls over to his stomach, coughs, and tries to push himself up but I kneel down, pushing my knee into the soft spot between his shoulder blades and grab his hair, pulling his head up. "Yield Jackson. The fight is over."
He just stares at me out of the corner of his eye, and I think he is going to refuse again but then to my suprise he taps the ground.
I immediately let him go and stand.
He turns and sits up, wiping blood from his face. I hold my hand out to him, offering to help him
up. Just as I'm about to take my hand away he grabs it, allowing him to help him stand.
We just stare at each other for a while before he nods.
"You held your own pretty good. Maybe there is some hope for you."
He gives me a weak smile and I smile back at him.
My smile falters quickly as excruciating pain erupts in my abdomen. I gasp and fall to my knees. "Shay?"
Jackson asks, looking concerned but I can't answer him. I feel him kneeling next to me, touching my shoulder and I hear him calling out to Zane. I feel liquid gushing out of me and when I look down I see the growing red stain on my green tights. Someone grabs my shoulders shaking me, I look up and see Zane. I stare at him feeling numb. I can see him talking but I can't hear a word he is saying. I feel him lifting me up and I see everyone staring at us, looking worried and then.. Everything goes black.