Chapter 56 - Returning to my rejected mate
Point of View
"Are you okay?"
I look at Jake and Ryan sitting on the other side of my desk. I sigh and shrug.
"I'm worried about her. I know she's a good fighter. I saw her fight back at Dan's, during the attack. And I know she's from an Alpha bloodline.. But my father is still an Alpha. And he's a lot bigger than she is. I just don't want to see her get hurt."
Jake and Ryan both nod at me.
"That's understandable. No one wants to see their mate hurt. But this is what Shay wants. She's an adult and can make her own decisions."
Jake says and shrugs at me. I sigh again.
"Yes, I'm aware of that.. But that doesn't mean I won't still worry."
I look at my watch. 2:32 p.m. I stand up from behind my desk.
"You two go down to the training grounds. I'll just go get Shay and we'll meet you there."
I leave my office, slowly walking to our apartment.
I feel really uneasy about the fight. I don't doubt that Shay can hold her own. But still.. My father
is a really good fighter and he'll give it all he got. I sigh and shake my head as I reach the door.
Nothing I can do about it know, so the sooner we can get this over with the better..
"Shay? Are you here?"
I ask as I come through the door.
"In the bedroom."
She yells back and I make my way to our room.
She just finishes pulling her into a ponytail when I enter and she smiles at me in the mirror.
"Hi. Came to make sure I don't get cold feet?"
I smile back and shake my head.
"No, not at all. Just decided I didn't want you to show up alone."
"That's sweet. Thank you."
She says standing up and I frown.
"Is that what your wearing?"
Shay frowns back at me and looks down at her clothes.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"
"Your wearing a bra.. With tights.."
She rolls her eyes at me.
"I'm wearing a cropped top over my bra Zane, you can't even see cleavage. And the tights well
would you prefer me to wear? Shorts instead of tights? This is nothing different than what any
other female here wear for training."
She says and pushes her way past me.
I stare after her and she stops, turns around and arches her brow at me.
"Are you coming or not?"
"I'm coming.. I still just wish your tights weren't that tight."
I grumble and she laughs at me.
"Zane. They're called tights for a reason. Now come on. I don't want to be late."
She rushes out tye door and I follow her.
Halfway to the training grounds I stop, and pull her hand to stop her as well.
She turns to me frowning.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I could.."
She puts her hand up, stopping me.
"Zane, I've already told you. I want to do this. I am going to do this.. And you're not going to do anything."
I start but she shakes her head.
"No, Zane. I don't want you or anyone to interfere."
"You're my mate Shay. I can't just stand there and not do anything, while you get hurt."
I run my hand through my hair and she touches my face.
"The maybe you shouldn't come. I can do this on my own."
She says before she kisses me soflty and start to make her way to the training grounds again.
Shay's Point of View
I quickly walk away from Zane. I understand that he's afraid of me getting hurt. But this is something I need to do. On my own.
Suddenly I feel sparks rush up my arm and I see Zane walking next to me, holding my hand again.
I arch my brow at him and he gives me a small smile.
"I can't let you show up alone. Even if I hate this. And I won't interfere in the fight but the moment things get out of hand I'm stepping in."
I stare at him for a while before I nod.
"Thank you."
We walk the rest of the way in silence.
As we reach the training ground there are so many people you can hardly see the clearing.
"It looks like everyone heard about the fight."
I remark en Zane nods.
"Well it's not everyday the previous Alpha challenges the furture Luna to a fight."
"True. Then I better give thema show."
I shrug and smirk at Zane.
"This isn't funny."
"Oh stop worrying about it. Seriously. I'm going to be fine. I'mnot just fighting for me. I'm
fighting for our son. And us."
"People will accept you.. Even if you don't fight."
I shake my head.
"No. They'll see me as weak if I back out. And that not who I am."
Zane sighs and nods but before he can say anything else we get to the clearing where Jackson is already waiting.
"Oh, so you finally showed up. I though tyou decided to give up even before we started."
He mocks me. I check my watch and arch my brow at hom.
"We said three. I still have seven minutes. There is no way I would miss the chance to put you in your place."
He frowns at me.
"Watch it, pup."
I shrug at him.
"I'm just stating a fact. Did I hit a nerve?"
"You have this wrong. You're the one that should learn some manners and where your place is. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than teaching you today."
I smile and shake my head.
"You don't like me. Even though I didn't actually do anything to you. And that's fine. I can handle it, I'm a big girl. But you treating my son like he's nothing important.. That's unacceptable. He is just a little boy. One of the reasons you're supposedly angry at me is because I've kept him away from you. But since we've gotten here you haven't even tried getting to know him, or spend time with him. You can hate me all you want but today you made my baby cry because you are a self- righteous asshole. And you have to pay for that. We're here to stay. Zane is my mate and I want to be with him. I'm not a kid anymore and I'm not planning on running away. So you'll just have to learn to deal with me and my son. Whether you like it or not."
He shakes his head.
"I never meant to make him feel unwanted and for that, I am sorry and I'll make it up to him.. But you.. I still see the same self-centered girl I've always seen. You do what you want, never considering others feelings or the consequences of your actions. You run when things don't go your way. That's just who you are and who you'll always be. Now, I don't want to waste anymore time talking. Can we just get to it?"
Ryan comes over to us.
"Okay, so the rules are simple. No dirty tricks. You will only fight in human form, no shifting. The first one to black out, or tap out looses. And most importantly. No killing."