Chapter 58 - Returning to my rejected mate
Zane's Point of View
The moment my father taps the ground all the tension leaves my body. I promised her I wouldn't interfere but I was at my breaking point.
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I hear a sudden commotion and Jake grabs my shoulder. "Shit Zane, Shay!"
My eyes snap in her direction I see my father crouching next to her, grabbing her shoulder
before he shouts for me. Just then excruciating pain rips through my abdomen making me bend
oved trying to catch my breath.
Jake grabs my shoulder.
"What happened are you okay?"
I realize it wasn't my pain I felt, it was Shay's. I shake my head, shrugging his hand of my shoulder.
"I'm fine, it's Shay. She's in pain."
I rush over to where my father is still sitting with Shay, with Jake and Ryan following close behind
"What did you do?"
I snarl at my father as I fall to me knees next to Shay.
He shakes his head.
"I don't know what happened, I swear. We were talking and she just collapsed."
I look at Shay just staring at a large spot on her tights and pain cross over my chest when I
realise it is blood.
"Shay?! Shay?!"
I grab her shoulders, and realise her whole body is shaking. I look her over, looking for injuries. "Baby, what's wrong? Where are you hurt?"
I shake her lightly.
"Just fucking talk to me."
My words come out chocked as I try to make sense of where the blood is coming from.
She looks at me but she doesn't react. I scoop her up into my arms.
"Fuck baby, just hold on for me"
I was running with my mate, bleeding in my arms, making my way to the hospital.
'Lesley, I need help right now. I'll be at the hospital in five minutes. Shay is bleeding.'
I mindlink one of the doctors.
'What happened? I thought she wasn't hurt in the fight?'
'I'm not sure she just collapsed after the fight.'
I look down at Shay and my heart constrict. She's losing a lot of blood and her eyes flicker shut.
"Stay with me baby! Come on, Shay! Open your eyes."
I yell just before bursting through the hospital doors.
"Help! Lesley!"
I yell and I see her and a few nurses rushing over. Everything goes in a blur after that. She was taken out of my arms and I tried to go with her but Lesley pushed me over shaking her head. "You have to stay here Alpha. You'll just get in our way. I'll find you as soon as we know what is going on."
She says before rushing into the room they took Shay. I try to get in there but they wouldn't let me past the door.
I slumped down next to the door they wouldn't let me through, with my back against the cold wall. Please goddess.. You didn't give her back to me just take her away from me again? Right? I put my head in my hands, my fingers tugging at my hair. I've never felt this lost. My shoulders start to shake as sobs rips through my chest.
Someone crouches infront of me and I Jake looking at me worriedly, with Ryan standing behind him also looking concerned.
"Can we do something?"
"Could you call and let Dan know? I'm not exactly sure what you should tell him but.."
Jake nods and stands.
"Don't worry. I got it."
He walks away down the hall and I look at Ryan.
"Please make sure my mother or Amy has Zayde and that he's occupied. I don't want him to
know about this. Not yet."
Ryan nods and comes closer, squeezing my shoulder.
"She'll be okay. She's strong."
He says before making his way down the hall.
Jake comes back and sits down next to me.
"Dan says they'll be here as soon as they can. I asked Megan to have rooms prepared for them."
I nod.
"Thank you."
He gives me a small smile.
I don't reply, I just stare at the blood on my arms, my heart constricting once again. I can't lose
I don't know when exactly but Dan, Ashley and Sarah came. Sarah came over, crouching infront
of me her hands around my face.
"How are you doing?"
I shrug.
"I feel so lost. I don't know what's going on. No one is telling us anything."
"I'm sure they be with us soon. Shay is strong okay. So you have to be strong for her."
She gives me a quick kiss on the head before she stands up.
"What happened?"
Dan asks, frowning at me. I sigh and run my hand down my face before I tell him everything that happened.
"And you just let this happen? You just stood there and watched her fight your dad?"
"I didn't have as choice. This is what Shay wanted. I've told you, this was suppose to just be a friendly match between myself and Shay. My father challenged her and she wouldn't stand down. She asked me not to interfere. Said this was between the two of them and had to be sorted out." "Still.. She.."
Sarah stops him, putting her hand on his shoulder and shaking her head.
"It's not his fault Dan. You know Shay. Even you couldn't get her to stay out of the fight at the pack. Shay is stubborn, and strong-willed. If she wanted to do it, she was going to do it. Whether Zane approved of it or not. Don't you start playing the blame game. That isn't going to accomplish anything."
Ashley nods, hugging her mate.
"She's right baby. Passing blame won't change anything. All we can do now is wait for news and be strong for Shay."
Dan just nods and goes to sit down. After that we all just sit there in silence waiting for someone to give us some news.