The Warriors of Light

Chapter 11

I tapped my finger on my arm, impatiently, as we stood in our positions to catch Johnny Stan at the infamous Liberty Bell. The air above looked as if the sky was going to burst open at any moment as thunder rocked some distance away, but was still heard where we stood. Tourists continued to walk in, most leaving because of the brewing storm. I had eyes right at the front side of the bell. Across the way, Gregory stood there waiting, watching over me, too.

Johnny appeared, hoodie over his head, again looking around suspiciously. It seemed with every step he took, the thunder grew closer and closer as the darkness spread over us more. I shivered, but I wasn't cold. Something icky, something I knew, was coming from the feel of my skin. It shook me. Demons were near. The brand on my side started to ache in response to the darkness surrounding us.

Johnny pulled out his phone, making a call, but quickly turned around when he heard the other person's phone ring. They met close by the side of the bell in Josie's point of view, more so than mine. We all watched quietly to see who was meeting up with Johnny. The other man was completely covered. He never looked up to meet anyone's eyes when he spoke. My conclusion was it was clearly a demon with glamour. But then if it was, why would they tell Johnny about the book and not get it themselves?

The man handed Johnny what seemed to be a holy relic. Perhaps, I was wrong then. This could be just a random guy looking for some holy pieces to fight the demons he knew was after him. Before they could finish their conversation, Josie and Serene appeared out of nowhere behind them. Josie grabbed the man while Serene kicked, rather high I might add, Johnny Stan in the neck. These women held nothing back, no holds barred.

Gregory and I walked up to join the action, as well. Serene just grabbed the relic out of Johnny's hand, her foot still lodged in his neck. "It's an old relic... Have you ever seen it before?" Serene held the artifact to Gregory.

"It's an old South African artifact." Gregory informed, hugging his shoulders as if it was useless. The man Josie was holding started to panic. He bent over twisting her arm until she was forced to let him go. Gregory stepped in with a baton as his weapon, this time, tripping the man before

he could get too far. I held my gun out to his head as he hit the ground.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I said as he tried to get up to run. He turned, taking off his hoodie to reveal his face. I was wrong. It was a Warrior of Light with the cross on his face this time. I glanced at Josie to explain. "One of yours?"

"Was? He bears the mark of The Forgotten."

"The Forgotten?" I asked curiously.

"Those who have been kicked out of the Warriors of Light. Most likely because he was a traitor." Josie helped him to his feet, holding him by his collar. "Where did you get the relic?"

The man started laughing. "He will come. He will come and cleanse the earth as Jesus should've done a long time ago." He laughed hysterically until his head was cut off, blood splattered all over me and Josie. I held my weapon to my chest looking up to the sky as the thunder started to rock, now, right above us. In the clouds, there was something flying high-a demon, way more powerful than I thought I would ever have to face so soon.

"Get down!" Serene yelled, throwing Johnny Stan to me as we both fell on the ground, angrily looking at each other. She pointed a gun aiming at the demon in the air, waiting for the perfect moment. The lightning flashed brightly in the sky, followed by her shot which sounded like thunder. She hit the demon until it screeched loudly for anyone, who was spiritually aware, to hear.

"What have you done? Why can't you just let this go, man?" Johnny Stan argued to me as he held my shoulders.

"Me? You let Agares take my brother's soul and you thought I wasn't going to hunt your ass down to the ends of the earth?" I grabbed him to keep him from running as water poured heavily upon us.

"Look, I'm sorry!" Johnny yelled back at me. The demon now flew closer to us, flying back fast to capture Johnny. But, Serene fired another shot. His wings flew to the front, blocking the bullet this time. It landed a few feet in front of us as my eyes grew wide at the hideous sight of a gargoyle-like demon. Johnny took the time to get away from me while I was distracted, shoving my face back as he tried to take off running. Another demon, the same kind as the first, dropped down. His big wings stretched out in front of Johnny as the new one screeched, screaming in his face.

Gregory moved him out of the way. He hit his baton in an expert karate fashion, twirling it over his hands hitting the demon in his chest several times. As it backed away, dark oily blood spilled from its mouth. I grabbed Johnny, again, as he backed away from the demons. He turned to me, eyes begging as they did in the police station. "Don't let them take me, please!"

I wasn't falling for it this time. I placed my hand on his forehead jerking his head back in hopes it would knock him out. "What the hell are you doing?" Gregory asked as I continued to smudge my thumb in his forehead while they fought the demon.

"Tryna put the fucker to sleep!" I replied. Serene pushed my head down. She jumped over me in an elegant flip as the tail of the first demon attacked. She turned to Johnny, with a smirk. His eyes widened, as Serene hit him with a powerful punch that knocked him out-like I wanted. "Are you just going to stand there or you going to join in the fun?" She asked, firing her gun again hitting the demon in the leg as she flipped over the Liberty Bell. The demon hit the bell, though, causing it to crack even more. I took the opportunity to attack, aiming my gun at the demon. It was too fast for me, knocking me away as I hit the bell with its tail. The sound of it started ringing in my ears.

Josie was there, cuffs on her wrists as they started to glow. She held her hand out and a light, very bright light, appeared blinding me. She lifted me, kicking the demon away as Serene ran up its back grabbing it by the neck. When the dust cleared, I grabbed my gun aiming quickly to the demon's head, praying I didn't hit Serene. I opened my eyes to see the demon's head completely gone and Serene covered in its dark, oily blood.

Josie ran over to her to stop the burn of the blood with the cuffs on her hands. Whatever those were, I wanted them. I was quickly thrown out of my trance when I heard Gregory wince. He was hit by the tail and the demon was ready to stomp on him. I aimed my gun and hit the demon in its shoulder. It looked up deadly at me as he was ready to fly right for me. I didn't back down this time, though, as it flew. I ducked. The talons on its feet grabbed me by my shirt, nearly carrying me away.

Josie grabbed me, but she wasn't stronger than the demon. Serene tried to help her, but it only pulled them. I aimed for the demon's legs, shooting a hole through its ankle as it screamed in agony. Serene was there jumping high into the sky with a warrior's cry. She, too, had those same cuffs as Josie. She landed on the demon's back. The light sparked and must've hurt the demon because he bucked and downward spiraled to the ground.

Rain started to cloud my vision as I looked up, trying to help her. Gregory threw his baton, adding more damage. Serene somehow managed to snap the demon's neck using the cuffs. My heart fluttered once she jumped down, one knee up, and the other one on the ground. Her hair fell over her face and, in that moment, I was in love.

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