Chapter 10
The sun began to set. I took a moment to assess the private jet that was in a private hangar at the airport I been knowing for years. After everything I learned about this new world hidden in plain sight, this was the most shocking...staring down a private jet bought by The Order. "Ray, you getting on?" I heard Gregory's voice, but I was frozen, quite stunned, with so many questions in my mind.
"Just get on. We need to hurry." I willed my feet to move as I entered into the jet looking at the interior, the luxury of it all. Thinking to myself, being a priest must not have been so bad, as I took a seat next to the window. "I'm sure you're wondering how we were able to afford this plane."
"One of many." I replied, rubbing on the comfortable chair.
"We are funded by the World government. How else do you think we are able to go on this discreetly for centuries?" Gregory asked, crossing his legs elegantly, taking out his phone. He texted for a moment before I responded.
"This is not what I expected. I suppose I assumed you guys used the money members donated. Brad surely gave you all a weekly salary allowance."
"That would be blasphemous, using the members' hard-earned money for our own gain." Gregory argued back.
"Yeah, but it doesn't stop some churches from scamming...from what I heard anyway." I gulped looking away from him.
"You never really told me, Ray." I looked back at him. "What happened to you in the church? Brad told me your parents are quite religious."
I scoffed looking back out the window. It was a touchy subject-one I never liked talking about. Gregory waited for an answer, though, as I sighed, fiddling with my phone in my hands. "They were very religious. Almost too much, if there is such a thing. Let's just say Brad was the praised kid, got good grades, and followed the rules. Me, on the other hand, I have always been a rebel, I suppose. My dad, especially, didn't like that. The little things would tick him off and it just turned me away from God altogether. How could He exist in this shitty world, you know? Even now, the best of us get the short end of the stick." Gregory sat back in his chair with an 'hm' as he pulled out his phone. That angered me. "What was that for?"
"You just seem like the kind of guy who blames God for everything wrong in his life. So, it just became easier to not have a relationship with Him. What do you believe now? After everything you have seen, thus far, do you still believe he doesn't exist?"
That was a fair question. "I honestly don't know what I believe anymore."
"That demon called you God Sent, but yet you still don't believe your fate?"
I pouted, leaning back against the chair now. The plane started to hum to life. Gregory sat calmly, unbothered, and uninterested in my anger. "You expect me to believe a demon when I have no reason to trust God?" Now that was the pure truth. Whatever that demon said could've all been lies. I felt no different. I wasn't deserving of the love of God in my mind. Why would he love a low life like me?
The plane took off, leaving me deep within my thoughts, seeing the ground grow smaller and smaller as we got higher and higher. I could feel Gregory's cold, dark, black eyes piercing at me as I actively avoided him. At that moment, I wished I could read minds because he was sizing me up, judging me, reading my every breath.
"There is potential in you, Ray. You know, God seeks the ones that feel they aren't ready to be his warriors. You are God Sent whether you accept your fate or not."
And with that, we were quiet for the rest of the plane ride. The plane started to descend after
about three hours. I hadn't realized I was stuck in such deep thoughts that the plane ride went by
so fast. Gregory was sitting peacefully, eyes closed, as he napped. Once the plane landed, his eyes opened slowly as he lifted his chair.
"Enjoy your nap?" I asked sarcastically.
"I did as a matter of fact."
I grimaced at his nonchalant attitude. "Okay, so you got us here, but how the hell are we supposed to find one man in this city? He could be anywhere right now." I asked, gathering the small items I had on my person. Gregory stretched as the door opened wide to reveal two women waiting for us with warm smiles. One had the curliest brown hair I had ever seen with the most beautiful light brown eyes. The other seemed to be the leader from her stature; she wore a business suit, silky black hair in a ponytail with brown eyes, looking at me as I got off the plane first.
"Welcome to Pennsylvania, gentlemen. This must be Ray Segal." The leader held her hand out for me to shake. I accepted, a bit confused as to who they were and why they were here.
"Thank you, Josie. And, yes, the infamous Ray Segal. The new recruit to the Warriors of Light." Gregory looked to me, then pointed to them. "This is Josie, Pastor of Preston Heights Baptist Church, Leader of the Sector of the Warriors of Light, and her right hand, Serene. Pope Richardson called them to aid us in finding Johnny Stan."
I had to admit I was impressed. They thought of everything. "Do you know where he is now?" I was anxious to get back to the action. The look on my face must've given me away as Serene looked at me like she understood, but didn't say anything.
"My source in the police department has informed me that he is meeting someone at the Liberty Bell today at 6 p.m. I asked them to not apprehend him. We need to catch whoever he is working with, also. This gives us more cause to grab him before they have a chance to." Josie informed very directly as she escorted us to the awaiting car.
Gregory checked his watch. "That gives us only a couple of hours to set up and prepare." "Prepare for what?" I asked curiously.
"Prepare to grab him before the demons do." Gregory replied, getting in the car. I paused stunned, a little afraid, a little excited, ready to kick ass. My eyes darted to Serene who looked at me with a smirk on her face.
"You ready for the fun to start?" She asked me with a smile as she got into the driver's side. I swear the little eyebrow lift she did with that smirk made me want to blush. Who was this woman and why was I so attracted to her?