The Forced Marriage With The Werewolf

Chapter 37-1



Her front teeth dig softly into the succulent red bottom lip as she turns the page, her nose twisting to the side adorably as she sniffles. A soft dark tendril of hair escaping the messy bun atop her head, and curving gently to the side of her face. For it too knew not to disturb the masterpiece that was her face. A deep sigh escapes me, my lips curving upwards as I watch her read, her eyes dancing with the emotions that pass through her with the turn of each page. For once in my life my mind was completely silent, nothing to plague us. How she had become my very peace I didn't know, but she had, the little angel had somehow become my everything and I was unable to stop it.

Tears fill up her eyes, tiny pearl like droplets decorating the brims of her eyes and dampening the lashes as they escape their confines. The tears trail slowly over the soft fair skin of her cheeks leaving a slight shine in their wake, that disappears soon after.

I despised it when she cried. For days after her parents departure her eyes had been puffy and it was unbearable. She'd lie, to comfort me promising she was just not sleeping well, that she hadn't cried. But she couldn't hide it from me. Stepping out of the shadows in which I stand I make my way to where she sits, in her favourite corner of the large library, my quiet little angel curled up on the large armchair.

My arms find their way under her small form and I lift her off the seat, a soft gasp escaping her as she turns her head to look at me. Big chocolate brown eyes stare at me, widened in surprise as I sit myself down in the chair, gently resting her small form into my lap. The slight pressure of her resting on my body sending my heart into a frenzy, but also passing a wave of serenity through me. I lean her comfortably against my chest. My heart clenches as she subconsciously curls into me, the soft curves of her moulding to my large firm body. It were as if I was made to hold her, shaped just so that she would be most comfortable, crafted in a way perfect to fit her.

My eyes travel from her big brown eyes to the book she holds in her hands, darting quickly over the words. Dismay filling me as I realize what had brought tears to her beautiful eyes. The moronic main character had decided to miss his own parents just now. Would it be entirely unjust if I were to hunt down the author?

"Oh angel." I murmur quietly, trailing the back of my hand gently against the delicate soft skin of her cheek, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Sad book." She sputters out, her cheeks reddening slightly as if there were ever anything she had to be embarrassed about before me.

"It's not the book is it?" I ask softly and she bites into her bottom lip harshly, making me frown, she was going to tear the soft skin. I pry her lip out from between her teeth, leaning forward to capture her bottom lip between the two of mine. Sucking on it gently, I dart my tongue over it, my mind reeling with the taste of her lips.

Pulling away from her mouth I look into the doe eyes that stare up at me, my hands cupping her face gently, thumbs rubbing against the moisture that leaks from her eyes and spills onto her cheeks.

"Don't hold it in love, let it all out. It was your choice and for the best but that doesn't mean you can't be saddened by it. I hate to see you cry but I'd rather you let this out than carry it around with you." I say and her bottom lip trembles as the tears that she had been trying to control spill down her cheeks.

Her arms come around me and I wrap my own around her waist, holding her close to my chest. She buried her face into the material of my shirt, her tears soaking through it as her little body shakes with her sobs making my heart drop. I feel my own eyes sting as I hold her.

My sweet little angel, so very sad, but she didn't deserve to be sad. She deserved all the happiness in the world. It was always the sweetest of souls that faced the cruelest of torments, but I wouldn't let the world touch her. She was mine, my light, my salvation, my miracle, the world couldn't have her. It couldn't wrap its cruel reigns around her and steal from her her very happiness, her innocence. This time I wasn't able to help it, there was nothing I could do to change what had saddened her so deeply. But there would never be another, no other woe would ever come near my Amara.

"My sweet angel, your parents are going to be so very happy in the free lands, you're so brave for what you did my little love, so very brave. You never fail to surprise me with your actions, you do things incomprehensible to me, the good in you, its depth is something otherworldly. Your parents are so proud of you, I am so proud of you, you hold the strength of a true warrior Amara. I envy you for it, you're so much stronger than I am. I've never seen something like it. I love you so much, they love you so much, this was what was best. I'm sorry you have to be away from them angel, but at least they'll be happy, free at last." I whisper into her ear, rocking her slightly in my lap, as I swing back and forth slowly cradling her to my chest. She sniffles softly looking up

at me with watery doe eyes, her nose and lips still hidden in the material of my shirt. She was like

a little kitten, absolutely adorable, but she had the strength of a tiger, the courage of a lion.

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