The Forced Marriage With The Werewolf

Chapter 36-5

"Mrs.Winters will decide if it's fair or not, I want them here, in the next twenty minutes, or they won't be the only ones decisions will be made about tonight. Do I make myself clear?" Alaricus asks and the alpha nods frantically.

"Crystal." He squeaks out, before trying again in a deeper voice.

"Lets have them castrated, physically and then chemically just to really finish the job and the slight remains." I mumble under my breath, twiddling with my fingers, but I look up to see three pairs of eyes gazing at me horrified two more than the last.

"I was thinking more along the lines of solitary confinement, or time in the dungeons but uh, it is solely up to your family." Alaricus says looking quite uncomfortable and I nod pressing my lips together.

"I'll get the men." The alpha says.

"Amara I'm going to check on your father." My mother says, a tear trailing down the soft skin of her cheek as she gets up, and my heart clenched at the pain in her voice. I knew they were sick of living this way. My mother was a wild one at heart, rebellious, running away to the free lands had always been a dream of hers, deep down. If the way her eyes would spark up when she told me stories as a child were any hint. Upon meeting my father her dream had become secondary to her love for him. When she'd become pregnant with me, her dream had been buried deep down, one couldn't plan an adventure that risky with a child. But now they didn't have a child to worry about, and they had the most powerful wolf on their side.

"Alaricus." I say suddenly, only now realizing he stood in the corner of the room on the phone but upon hearing my voice he shut the phone immediately, giving me his undivided attention. "What is it angel, are you alright?" He asks, covering the distance between us at an incomprehensible speed. Kneeling down before me, he takes my hands in his.

"I'm alright Alaricus thank you for supporting my mother." I say and he nods mumbling a quiet of course, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.

"I need you to do something for me." I say and he looks up, staring at me intently.

"Alaricus I need you to help my parents get to the free lands." I say and his honey eyes widen at

my words, he stares at me as if I've gone insane.

"Amara do you even understand what you ask of me?" He asks.

"I do, I really do." I say.

"The free lands are no joke, werewolves aren't allowed there, the wolves involved in the system stay out of there, that is how the peace is maintained. If your parents go there, neither my guards nor I could ever go there, or there will be rebellions everywhere, wars will break out. This means you could never see your parents again, and communication in the free lands is prohibited, they've ensured no one from inside can contact someone on the outside and vice versa. Angel you'd never hear from them again, they wouldn't be allowed to come back once they've left. You don't understand that this means you'd never see or speak to your parents again." He says.

"I understand that, but it's what's best, it's what they need, they don't deserve to be pestered this way, to spend the rest of their lives in this fear." I retort, trying to sounds strong but a tear leaks from my filled eyes, and he swiped at it gently with his thumb. Capturing the second by gently pressing his lips against it.

"They can come live with us in the palace no one would dare pester them there, you know it. I'd rip their lungs out if they did, you know that." Alaricus says.

"You think I hadn't thought of that possibility, because I have. But don't you see how much they despise werewolves. They're deathly afraid of you, and Alaricus you're amazing and I see that, but they don't, did you see the way my mother looked at you? They wouldn't ever want to live in that palace, and asking that of them would be so selfish of me. I see you for who you are, but to them you are the most powerful of the species that took away their dream of having a large family, that took away their baby, and permanently injured my mother and scarred their only daughter. Wolves have taken away their freedom, their rights to equality and you're the most powerful, meaning you'd have condoned it. They'd never want to live in the palace. They deserve freedom, they deserve equality." I say cupping his jaw in my hand, rubbing my thumb into his cheek gently and he looks at me perplexed.

"But I could speak to the alphas, I could threaten your old alpha, you saw him he's terrified of me." Alaricus tries but I shake my head.

"That change is important and I'm so glad you're making it, but it could take a long time, they need to be away from this now. The alpha may change some rules, but the mistreatment of humans won't just disappear, the way the wolves see them won't just disappear or vice versa. That will take time, time my parents don't have, my father's health will deteriorate here. I know it will, he's so protective he'll hate knowing that wolves can harm my mom and he's helpless against it, it'll kill him. Please Alaricus I am begging you to do this for me. I've weighed out the options and this is the only way." I say pleadingly.

"Amara I'd do anything for you, but this way, you won't see them. Moreover, as much as I hate to put it this way, you will be stuck with me forever. I love you so much, but I'd hate for you to feel helpless, as if you have absolutely no option, this affects you too. You could never go to the free lands, rogues aren't plagued by the ideas of war, if they caught wind that my mate had gone to the free lands they'd follow you. That could cause apocalyptic destruction, I'd be compelled to come there to protect you, and I'm the one most definitely banned from there. This would leave you with no option." He says and my heart clenches at his words.

"I'm never going to leave you, I couldn't, I don't need the option. Please do this for me?" I ask, and he nods.

"Anything for you angel." He mumbles pressing a warm kiss to my forehead.

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