Chapter 798
Chapter 0798
From Yasmine's vantage point, she could clearly see the color drain from Sophie's face. Her expression shifted rapidly from smug confidence to panic, disbelief, and confusion.
"This... this can't be. How could this happen in just one day?"
Yasmine replied flatly, "Public opinion changes in the blink of an eye. You came back yesterday, went straight to bed, and who knows what could've happened in the meantime?
"That damned Joli!" Sophie exploded. "It wasn't enough for him to stir up trouble on the campus forum; now he's taken it public?"
"Why wouldn't he?" Yasmine retorted. "You threatened to ruin his chances of graduating -what's the worst that could happen to him now?
"He has nothing left to lose. If anything, he's gambling for a way out. That's better than waiting in silence for doom."
Sophie struck Yasmine hard across the face. "Whose side are you on? If I go down, you think you'll be spared?"
This time, Yasmine didn't cry or retaliate. She slowly turned her face back, revealing a cheek swelling visibly from the force of the blow.
"Wh-What are you staring at?" Sophie demanded, her voice sharp with paranoia.
Yasmine's tone was cold and detached. "I'm looking at you, Aunt Sophie. Watching you unravel, panicked like a startled bird. Watching you trapped in the web of your own making, falling from your pedestal. Watching as your arrogance seals your fate, and you crumble completely!".
"You little-" Sophie raised her hand again, but this time Yasmine caught it midair. With a sharp shove, she pushed Sophie against the wall.
"I won't let you hit me again! I'm a person, not your slave or punching bag!"
"You've lost it! Lost it completely! Yasmine Xander, are you trying to defy me?"
"Defy you? Ha! Who do you think you are? You're not untouchable, Aunt Sophie. Even if you think you are, your entire world is crashing down now. Crashing into dust!"
"You think this-"Sophie brandished Yasmine's phone, shaking it in mock contempt, this can ruin me? I'm a tenured professor at Bedford College! A senior academic!
"I've published papers, brought prestige to the institution, and won countless awards. Do you think one student's baseless accusations can convict me? If I fall, the college's reputation will collapse with me!" Chapter 0798
"And you think the administration is still backing you?" Tasmine lesped betydn You always called me foolish, but now I see you're the biggest foal of open your p Bedford College had already released a statement. You've been fired to yw wwe what that means?"
Sophie's eyes widened, "No... no, they wouldn't dare. The administration wa
Yasmine pulled out her phone again, scrolling quickly before thrustig wonendos face, Bedford College's official statement appeared on the screen,
She read out a series of words, "Fabrication and falsification of expermental Gen... improper authorship... neglect responsibilities... unprofessional conterr... Centers & employment... revocation of teaching, credentials... retraction of published works... Sophie stumbled back, her lips trembling, "This isn't real. It can't be, I'm an mod professor! I bring in academic KPIs! They wouldn't... they couldn't... no, I don't believe
Sophie exploded and started smashing, furniture and throwing objects around the house in a blind rage, Yasmine stood by, watching coldly, Without the academic accolades and veneer of respectability, Sophie looked nothing more than a deranged, broken woman.
How pathetic, Yasmine thought bitterly. This was the woman she had once idolized, the one she dreamed of emulating,
Now, stripped of her power and dignity, she was nothing more than a wretched fraud.
That evening, at eight, Bedford College released a second official statement, directly addressing the public's most pressing concerns
The first point tackled was the question everyone was asking. What would happen to Joli's graduation?