Chapter 6
A week later, I was incredibly sore and energized from the workouts. My body was nearly there getting used to the strenuous tasks that Gregory put me through. We worked out for about three hours nonstop, doing different maneuvers with my gun, getting me stronger and faster. I admit I was growing proud of myself for sticking with it, even though my feet dragged when I opened the door for Mallory. After ignoring several of her calls, she had finally had enough and stopped by.
"Why haven't you been answering me, Ray Segal?" She looked around my studio, before turning back to me, clutching her purse. She must've just noticed that my shirt was off. I had on sweats to lounge around in. To minimize the damage already done, I instantly reached for a shirt tugging it on my body, as she continued. "I've been calling you about that Stan guy. He escaped the police station and is on the run somewhere. Did you hear?"
"I did. Seems he had an accomplice, perhaps."
"You seemed to believe him at the police station, before." Mallory folded her arms then, her eyes trying to avoid mine. "What was that about anyway?"
"There was another man on the footage. It's all being taken care of. I will find him and get justice for Brad." That caused us both to become eerily silent. I leaned against the island of the kitchen as she took several glances at me, wanting to say something that she couldn't muster up. "How can you be so sure? He was captured once. I doubt he will just get captured again so easily. We just have to face the fact that he is gone. My husband won't ever see justice." Mallory said sadly.
"I wouldn't be so quick to believe that. Trust me. Johnny Stan will pay if he had anything to do with Brad's murder. Just right now, he is on the run but he will slip up. We just have to wait for when that time comes." I replied, almost positive Mr. Stan would, in fact, get caught if it was the last thing I did. At the moment, I knew he was only a mere pawn in the bigger picture. "You seem different somehow..."
It was probably the developing abs and my now purpose-filled motivation that caused me to have such a glow. I wasn't down in the dirt begging for a way out as I was a week ago. My mind was only filled with revenge, therefore, it was no time to be depressed. I lifted my eyebrows unable to tell her everything.
"I have been really motivated to find out what happened to Brad. Was there any other reason you came by? Not that I don't love our little chats."
She smirked, looking at the floor as she chuckled to herself at my sarcasm. "I have some things to take care of. Brad's funeral isn't going to plan itself." She paused, hugging herself. I could tell she was close to a breakdown. I, unfortunately, wasn't the one to comfort her. Not that I didn't want to, I just didn't know how. "Maddie and Brandy have youth bible study tonight. I tried calling everyone I know, but...Do you mind picking them up and watching them for about an hour? I just need them safe and sound until I get home."
"Yeah, of course, I can do that. I will make sure they are home safe and sound. I promise to stay with them until you return. Don't worry, Mallory." I needed to reassure her because she was looking as if she didn't believe me. "I said I promise, okay. It's the least I can do...I know this must be hard for you." She only nodded, walking towards the door turning back to me.
"I know this is harder for you. Whatever you are doing, I know Brad would be proud of you, Ray. You do seem...," she looked for the right word to say, "Motivated." With that, she walked out of the studio leaving me with a sigh.
As I approached the church towards where the youth center was, I peeked through the window to see my nieces there with Gregory. He noticed my presence almost instantly. As he was teaching them, his eyes glanced at me. Then he looked back at the kids, smiled at them, and stood dismissing them. I walked in, hands in my pockets. They started packing their items. There was this eerie look on Gregory's face as he glanced at me, again.
"Uncle Ray!" Maddie ran up to me and Brandy's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas. It warmed me that I was so special to them. The one thing that my brother did leave behind. The only good thing there ever was about me. I placed my hands on the top of their heads lovingly with a soft smile as Gregory pulled their chairs to the table.
"Ray, nice to see you. It's been a while since I saw Brandy and Maddie so happy to see someone. You must truly be a good uncle to them." Gregory said as I walked closer to him.
"Any news on Johnny?" I whispered as he continued to spray and clean.
"I have some news. We will discuss this later." He stooped down and hugged my nieces, placing his hands on their cheeks. "Remember what I told you both, okay. Stay strong. Your father is watching over you, always. Do not get discouraged." Brandy and Maddie nodded, determinedly as Gregory put his hands on my shoulders. "Take care of them, Ray." He said before he walked off.
"Uncle Ray, are we going home or to your house?" Maddie asked.
"Your house. I can stop and get you guys something to eat, but your mom made it very clear you have to go home. So let's go." Walking into my brother's home without him was the weirdest thing I have ever done. I'm not sure how Mallory did it, how my nieces did it. They were stronger than me for sure. The wedding photo of Brad and Mallory caught my eyes first as I lifted it to my face to get a better view.
Memories from being here in his home shocked me, knowing that I wouldn't be greeted by his presence or the sappy look he gave whenever I made time to visit. The sad realization of regret hit me that I had been away far too long. So much time had passed, for nothing. Time I would never get back.
While setting the picture down, the simple gesture seemed harder to do than I expected. It was as if I had to let my brother go. A hand tugged on my pants as I looked down at Brandy. "Come on, Uncle Ray. Let me show you what I made..." As the girls dragged me to their room upstairs to show me their drawings and everything else, my arm sort of slipped from theirs as I passed my brother's office.
I had to go in. As if I was mesmerized to do so. The girls waited for me on the outside unsure whether it was okay for them to follow me. Brad most likely told them not to go in when he was working. The pull to the room was so strong that, when I entered, the door slammed shut behind me. It brought me out of the trance and I turned back hearing the girls scream.
"Brandy! Maddie!" I tried to open the door, but it was jammed shut.
"Uncle Ray! What happened?" That was Brandy.
"Come out of dad's office. It's cold in there!" That was Maddie. I grimaced at the word 'cold'. There was a slight chill in the room that was colder than the rest of the house. "Uncle Ray, I don't like this game. Please come out."
The fear in their voices made me jiggle the door handle pulling and pushing against it, even more, trying to break free. On my neck, though, there was definitely that cold shiver down my spine that should've frightened me. But, instead, I just took out my gun. "You guys go to your room. Close the door until I say come out, okay. Go now hurry." I prayed for the first time that the girls would do as I instructed. Their lives were the only thing that mattered to me.
I turned, gasping for air, as I jumped. Something was coming out of another realm. A hole, a black gaping hole, calling my name from the other side. "Raaaaayyyyy." The sound screeched and pained my ears as the demon had back at the church. I winced. My back hugged the door in fear, the gun still in my hand, though. With one hand, I could take the safety off, but I used my right hand to cock it.
"Who the fuck are you? Why are you haunting this family?" I asked, boldly.
A silhouette started to come out of the gaping, black hole still calling my name. My first mind was to shoot, but then I was stuck, paralyzed with grief and recognition. His skin seemed to be melting. As he reached out for me, I could only stare in horror. Why was Brad here? In this gaping black hole?
"Save me, please." The words were faintly covered by the screeching sound of a nail on chalkboard as he spoke to me. "Save my girls."
"Brad, what the fuck... How are you....why are you?" I was too traumatized to speak. Another demon-like creature reached to pull Brad's spirit back into the gaping hole. I could only catch a glimpse at who was behind him, Agares. His smile taunted me as he dragged Brad back.
"I need Johnny Stan." He said, right before the gaping hole closed. I screamed, running to where the hole was, hitting the wall in frustration. The adrenaline in my soul spiked as I realized what had happened. I was by no means a fool. Agares took Brad's soul when he accidentally killed him, instead of Johnny's. It was no wonder he was always paranoid.
My thoughts were quickly rendered when I heard one of the girls scream. I almost forgot that I was trapped inside the room. I managed to bang the door hard with my shoulder, bursting it open as I ran quickly to my niece's room. Shadows. Multiple shadows started to encircle the house. I entered the room seeing them hiding in the corner. I quickly went to my nieces picking them both up as they whimpered.
"What's happening?" Maddie asked as I put them in the closet.
"Nothing. You are both fine. I just need you to remain in here until I say so and do not come out unless it's me, understand?" They didn't reply. "Please, tell me you both understand!" I didn't mean to yell, but I needed them safe above all else. They only nodded, holding onto each other as I shut the door, leaving them in the darkness. Gun ready, aimed down sight, as I turned to the door. A crack in the floor panels gave away someone or something else was in the house, creaking up the stairway towards me.
I peeked around the corner. First, down the dark desolate hallway, shadows of tree leaves from the windows cascaded on the floor as the moon shone eerily bright into the house. The quiet mocked and haunted me until I was forced to use my senses. I wasn't done training with Gregory yet, but already I had to fight my own demons. As I turned the corner of the room, slowly closing the door so the girls would be safe, a shadow appeared from the wall pushing me to the staircase. I held my guard with a grunt, but then a kick to my chest sent me and the gun flying down the stairs.
I recovered quickly, reaching for the gun beside me on the floor, aiming down sight again. My body was semi bruised, but nothing, not even those wooden stairs hurt worse than Gregory's vicious attacks. I was becoming accustomed to the pain now, which I think was his message all along. The entity came down the stairs twitching, zombie-like, as it revealed itself to me. It slowly started to take shape into a human form as it took each step.
I shot, hitting the demon in the shoulder as it screeched and twitched. It continued to walk down the stairs. "What do you want? If you want to kill me, who is going to get Johnny Stan for you?" I assumed I was talking to Agares's follower, but the demon's head tilted to the side in confusion. "Okay, obviously you don't give a fuck about it." I shot again, hitting the demon square in his chin as it screeched again, a hole in his shoulder and now his face, but the demon never stopped. It grew angrier, jumping into action for my face. I dodged, hitting the wall as it flew inches from my face. I shot at it again, but it turned nearly knocking the gun out of my hand, but I held firm to it as the demon grabbed my wrist ready to bite me. "Get...the...fuck...back!" I kicked the demon away from me, but my legs were useless to its shadowy figure. The demon punched me, piercing his fingers through my chest. I screamed before I clenched my teeth to contain it. "You cannot defeat us...warrior... misit deus."
My face turned pure purple as whatever he was doing to me took ahold of my body. I struggled with my left hand to move. The demon's grasp held me bound. I had to improvise before I lost consciousness. I took a chance and threw the gun over my head for the right hand that was free to catch it. It worked as the demon looked worried right before I shot him in the face, destroying him as he dissipated.