The Billionaire Playboy's Regret (Lark and Max)

Chapter 74

"Hi Max," Lark brushed the hair off his forehead and then pressed a kiss to it. "I love you. You need to wake up so I can tell you off for being stupid." He slowly opened one eye and she gasped, "good morning."

"Kiss me again," he whispered puckering his lips as his eyes closed again.

She leaned over and kissed his mouth softly. "You scared the hell out of us Maximilian Villeneuve. I need to get the nurse and your mom and let them know you're awake." She reached for the swabs she'd been dunking in water and brushing his lips and wiped them and smiled when he licked it off. She started to get up to leave but both of his eyes opened, and he stared straight at her.

"Not yet," he protested his fingers flexing. "I want to talk to you."

"Max they're all worried."

"Don't leave me."

"I love you. I'm not going anywhere other than to get your mom. You were stupid for letting Johan get under your skin, but you were even dumber for not taking your meds. Max what were you thinking? The doctor told me you weren't supposed to be engaging in activities which kept your heart rate elevated for prolonged periods of time, like running or," she held his gaze, "marathon sexcapades."

"They said I could have sex."

"Yes, but not for hours and hours at a time. The doctor quizzed me privately and it was embarrassing." He gave a chuckle and tried to sit up, but she held him down, "it's not my fault."

"It is!"

"Chère, you're so hot and sexy and I can't get enough."

"Well, the doctor suggested setting a timer, Max. He said he was talking to me because clearly you don't listen, and he doesn't want you back on his operating table."

"Why was he telling you all this?" Max's focus was becoming clearer and clearer.

"Because Ollie told him in front of a bunch of people, we broke hotel beds and garnered noise complaints because we had s*x lasting hours and hours two nights in a row."

"My sister is nuts," he groaned and then his eyes flicked to hers as if he was suddenly remembering the events which precipitated his current condition. "Your sister. Gracie. How is she?"

She shook her head, "not good. They have her on life support right now while they talk to some specialists but the longer, she is on the ventilator the less likely she survives coming off. They've given her multiple transfusions and Dad, Fallon and I have all given blood since we all match her."

"s**t. Lark I'm so sorry. Why are you here with me instead of down there?"

"Because it's hard to watch," she admitted shrugging. "Dad is pacing circles in the floor. Mom is a wreck. Riggs is making arrangements for Nana on behalf of Dad because he couldn't recite the alphabet right now if someone asked him to." She sighed, "also, Charlotte is being a pain in the ass and told the hospital Dad doesn't have signing authority and she is going to make all decisions once she gets here. She said Dad isn't on the birth certificate."

"But he has DNA proof."

"Yes, but legally her next of kin on her medical things was Sawyer and he's listed as her dad. Sawyer's name is on the birth certificate. Dad is getting a court injunction to give him power of attorney over Gracie. We're hoping it's in effect before Charlotte gets here."

She watched as he took a breath, "how's my Mom?"

"She's worried. She'll be mad at me I didn't rush and get her. Your father dragged her down the hall for a walk because she was pacing at the end of your bed. Actually, her and Johan both. He's been pacing a path back and forth here and down the hall."

He was quiet, "Johan came back?"

"Yeah, he's feeling like a piece of shit." She giggled when Max muttered 'good' under his breath. "You know where he got the thought though?"


"LJ. He was spouting off s**t to your siblings and Johan when you were downstairs with us saying goodbye to Nana Prue."

"God the guy is a d**k," Max grunted angrily. "I know he's my brother but damn."

"Your father and grandfather took him away. Levi took him to the bayou."

"My grandfather is an old man but considering the Villeneuve witch is at least a hundred now and still spry and kicking it up, he will live as long as her. He'll probably have LJ sleeping in an alligator infested swamp, fishing and hunting for their meals and drinking rainwater."

"I don't think I'd like any of that. Remember the one time they tried to take me camping with you out there. I can do a campground but snakes and gators? Nope."

Max gave a chuckle and then clutched his chest, "oh it hurts to laugh but it's funny as f**k he's in the

bayou. Ollie and I were saying this last weekend. LJ needs to be taken down a peg. He has it in his head I'm the reason he isn't successful. He's never worked a full day in his life, and he wonders why his projects all fail. Christ the loser couldn't run a lemonade stand."

"Hey, he's your brother."

"He literally threw me under the bus to Johan and blamed me for murder." He stared into her eyes, "you don't blame me, do you?"

"No. Doug's actions were his own. He chose to do what he chose to do." She cupped his stubbly jaw, "I am angry with you though Max."


"Because you lied to me." Her voice was sharp as she sat on the edge of his bed. "Max, the other night when I told you and Johan about Jackson attacking me, you had an episode with your heart," she growled when he looked away and she grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her, "and you lied to me and said it was anxiety. You never mentioned you weren't taking your meds or how you were feeling. The doctor said you would have been having arrythmia for some time and were discounting it or ignoring it." "Lark." He started to protest.

"No. Stop. I know why you did it."

"Why? Why do you think I kept it to myself?"

"You were trying to be manly and macho." When he opened his mouth to protest, she squeezed his lips together, "you were trying to live up to your reputation of man-w***e Max who gives multiple orgasms and has stamina for days. You were trying to impress me Max. Dumbass."

"Did you just call me a dumbass?"

"Yes, because you are one. Do you know I went for a walk with my grandmother and mother and asked them what I was going to do because I was terrified, I couldn't keep up with you?"


"Yes. It's what we were talking about when we were out. I was telling them how terrified I was I couldn't keep up with you. Mom laughed at me and said she didn't bring out gadgets and leather until after her tenth wedding anniversary and I shouldn't be putting so much pressure on myself to try to make things interesting when it's this new. You were doing the same thing, Max."


"Max, I don't need marathon s*x that leaves me walking with a limp for a week. I mean it's great to have more than one orgasm but," she held his gaze, "I really am too young to have the back pain I have this morning and you drove yourself to a freaking heart attack trying to give me some weird Max Villeneuve experience. I am quite happy to have normal amounts of sex."

"I don't want you to leave me."

"I don't want you dead." She retorted. "Max, there is nothing wrong with regular s*x. I mean, once in a while on occasion, a marathon might be fun, but there is a reason why people train for marathons all year round." "True."

"And they don't go prepping for marathons when they're newly diagnosed with a heart condition and not taking appropriate measures." She wiped her face sadly, "Max, do you understand they needed to use the paddles on you? Your heart stopped."

He took a shaky breath.

"Do you not want to live a long life with me?"

"Lark!" he was stunned at her question, and he gripped her hands.

"My Nana was eighty-seven. She lived a full life, and I am devastated she is gone but if she were here right now, she'd tell you it was her time but it's not yours. You played Russian roulette with your life, Max, and you almost lost."

"I'm sorry."

"Damn right you are. I'm also getting tired of the word sorry. If I hear it, one more time I'm probably going to blow."

He chuckled, "can I hug you?"

"No. I need to get your Mom and Dad, though if I were in your shoes, I'd fake sleeping because she really wants a piece of you. LJ called you the golden child earlier, but I think right now she's ready to bury the treasure called Max. She's pissed."

"How pissed?" Max pulled his lips back worriedly.

"Pissed enough she mentioned a conservatorship."

He was surprised, "what?"

"Yes. She said its apparent you're suffering from a mental condition which bars you from making sound and rational decisions."


She stroked his forehead, "I love you despite how stupid you were. I'm almost team Bobbie here. You weren't behaving like a grown man making rational decisions, Max. Do better."

"I will. I promise. I want to be with you for an extraordinarily long time."

"I'm going to hold you to this."

"Move in with me," he blurted out.

"What?" she was surprised by the question.

"When we go back to Dallas, move in with me."

"Max, it's so soon."

"It's not soon enough."

"Can we talk about it when all of this is settled? I don't even know what is happening with my sister yet

and whether we're going to be floating back and forth from Dallas and Houston or what."

"Okay but it's a conversation we need to have,"

"Sure, we'll talk about it." She leaned over and kissed his lips, "be good and stay here until we get back." "Lark," he called her name as she reached the door. "I love you, chère."

"I love you too, dumbass," she grinned at him, despite the ache in her heart and went in search of his parents.

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