Chapter 61
Lark entered her hotel room and paused at the view in front of her.
"Wow, what is all this?"
"Welcome to sexy time with Max. I'm your host, Max Villeneuve." Max teased as he leaned against the headboard of her bed. He was wearing a pair of cotton pyjama bottoms, and one hand was folded casually behind his head and in the other he held his cell phone. He pushed a button on the phone and music started playing from a speaker somewhere in the
Lark looked around incredulously. "How?" The room was dimly lit with candles and more roses than an entire florist would have in stock. It smelled like a spa, and everything felt soft and romantic. "When did you do all this?"
"Truthfully?" he gave a smile as he patted the bed beside him for her to sit. "I called Peaches earlier and asked her to arrange all this with the hotel staff."
"My PA. I hired her through your mom's temp agency. Despite the name, she's been a godsend for me for the last eight years. And before you ask, no, not even once."
"I wasn't going to ask," she laughed as she sat beside him. "You did all this for me?"
"I actually texted her to do it this morning when we left Sawyer's place. I asked her to set it up for this evening. I knew your father wasn't going to want to go home and this wasn't meant to be a seduction. It was meant to make you relax and feel good. Now, it's doubling as seduction," he tugged her until she was laying crosswise on his chest. "If you change your mind at any point, we can stop.'
"Ditto," she stared into his eyes. "If you decide you're not ready, Max, it's okay. I know I came on strong earlier, but consent works both ways. You won't lose me if you say no."
His smile was huge as he rolled her over his frame and pinned her to the bed, "thank you for being considerate of my choices. I want this. I want you." Using the back of his fingers he traced up her cheek, "you are so beautiful. Watching you tonight be the woman you are, selfless and kind and so
extraordinarily strong was a huge turn-on for me. The person I knew as a kid has grown into this amazing woman and I am the most fortunate man in the world to be given this chance to be with you." The emotions of Max's words reverberated around the room, and she felt them to her core.
"Max, I want this as much as you do."
"I don't want to spoil the mood, but can we talk about prom night?"
"No." She shook her head. "There is nothing to talk about, Max."
"I owe you an apology."
"You gave me one. You already apologized for not coming to see me. Whatever the outcome was, you already apologized for your behavior that night and I forgave you. Let's leave it in the past please. It needs to stay there. I want us to move forward."
"I will make this vow to you, Lark. I will never leave you wondering where you fit in my life. You won't ever
have to ask me to meet you somewhere and wonder whether or not I'm going to flake on you. I will always be at your side when you need me."
"I'm going to hold you to this." She blinked back tears.
"I'm ready to move forward in our relationship Max. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."
"You blow my mind," he said as he exhaled through his nose.
"It's not exactly what I was hoping to blow," she boldly flirted.
"Is this so?" He pulled his head back in surprise.
"It really is."
"Naughty Lark." He lifted up on his elbows. "I will let you do whatever you want but not yet."
"Not yet?"
"Nope." He jerked his thumb in the direction of the bathroom. "Hot bath is waiting for you. I also have a surprise for you in there."
"A surprise?" She rolled out from under the arm and almost ran to the bathroom enjoying his laughter chasing her. She paused at the sight and then turned to face him. "What is this?"
"The blue matches your eyes."
"Max," nobody ever purchased lingerie for her before. She walked into the bathroom in awe. Her fingers reached out to trace the silky chemise hanging on the glass of the shower.
"For the record, I specifically picked it out and not my assistant," he spoke from where he watched her on the bed. "It's from the spa's line of sleepwear but I knew you would love it. I remembered a conversation
in high school where you and Ollie were talking about how wearing something pretty to bed made your dreams sweeter."
Her eyes watered at his thoughtfulness.
"Now," he was moving from the bed to follow her to the bathroom, "can you do me a favor?" "What?" "Take your clothes off for me."
She looked over her shoulder at him in surprise, "what?"
"I want to watch you get into the bath. You taking a bath has become my new favorite pastime. I want to watch you get in though. Usually, I'm letting myself in while you're in there. I want to watch you get undressed and get in.'
She turned slowly and began to get undressed, aware their behavior this evening was going to escalate their relationship from flirty sexy talk and a bit of voyeurism to far more. She undid the buttons of her blouse and let the top fall to the floor. She kicked her shoes to the floor. She wriggled out of the pants Max slipped down her hips earlier and enjoyed the way his eyes fixed on the lacy panties he'd already given a visual inspection of. She slipped them down and then undid her bra, watching his tongue dart to the edge of his lips while the front of his cotton pj bottoms jumped.
"Someone likes the view," she said with a smirk.
He didn't hold back as he rubbed his hand down the front of his pants. "Stay still for a minute. I need this memory of you standing here on the night we're finally going to make love in my reserves for my spank bank."
She threw her head back and laughed as she gingerly climbed into the scented hot bath. She furrowed her brow when he disappeared while she lowered into the tub. "Max, are you alright?"
"Yes, just getting something," he called back and then reappeared with a small box in his hand. "When we were coming to Houston, I might have raided the warehouse, with the intention to give you a couple of gifts. I've had them in my suitcase."
Lark leaned forward in the tub, "what is it?"
"Waterproof c****** stimulator." He grinned, "I was hoping for our experiment tonight, we could add this little device but now our plans have changed, I want to ask if, instead of you touching yourself, if I can touch you."
She was stunned by his question as he pulled the box apart and revealed a small handheld flower shaped device.
"Do you trust me, Lark?"
"Yes." She answered quickly earning a chuckle from him. He knelt on the floor next to the tub and set the toy on folded washcloth.
"I'm only going to touch you, love. If anything doesn't feel good, you tell me. I want you to lean back, close your eyes and let your body relax." His voice was soft yet rough with emotion as his hand dunked another washcloth into the tub and he drizzled water over her chest. "You're so beautiful, chère. Your body is incredible, though if I'm honest you could be too big for this tub, and I'd still want you. Your mind and heart draw me in every single time but," he dragged the edge of the cloth over an exposed n****e, "your body is exquisite."
"Max." His name a whispered plea, she kept her eyes closed despite her desire to watch what he was doing.
He was drenching her torso and she felt him repositioning, so he was leaned over the tub, and she gasped when his hand cupped her breast, his thumb flicking her n****e. More hot water and more silky caresses followed by playing with the now hardened buds. He pushed himself forward and licked her and she gasped at the movement. His teeth and lips closing around the n****e closest to him she struggled to keep her hands in the water instead of using them to pull him into the tub.
"Sexy girl," he whispered against her skin. "In your head, right now, who do you see, Lark?"
"Just you, Max. I see you. I wish I was feeling more of you," she whined as he withdrew his lips from her flesh.
"Soon baby," he let his hand dunk under the water, and he cupped the water to drip it over her shoulders and chest. "I want you to think of how it felt when I was between your thighs this evening. When you were trying so hard," his hand dipped deeper into the water, "to stay quiet in the public space of a hotel office, did you struggle not to cry out when I touched you?" His fingers slipped along the slit between her legs. "When I touched you here, like this, were you nervous about someone catching us or did you care?" "I didn't care," her voice was breathy as his fingers pushed her apart. Her knees fell to the sides of the tub, her hips arching upwards to give him better access.
"You taste so f*****g good, Lark," he leaned forward again and captured her n****e in his mouth as he began stroking her inside. The water sloshing from the movements of his hand seemed loud in comparison to the quiet huffs of breath she was taking as his fingers plunged inside her. With two fingers toying with her deep, his tongue licked and curled around her n****e. "I can't wait until it's my c**k buried like this inside you. You're so wet baby."
He withdrew his fingers and stood away from the tub abruptly and she flicked her eyes open, "what's wrong?"
"I am not close enough," he kicked his bottoms off and stood in the tub kneeling between her parted legs. Immediately he plunged his fingers back inside her, causing her to squeal as his rough movements slid her up the edge of the tub. "That's better. I can see your beautiful face from this angle." Two fingers deep inside her and his thumb playing with the exposed cherry of her clit had her grinding her hips upwards to meet his hand thrust for thrust. "That's it, Lark, f**k my fingers."
"Max, I'm so close," she moaned as his free hand moved to her breasts to play with them. "Oh, it's music to my ears. I want to ruin you, Lark. I want to finger you, play with your body, f**k you senseless, make you come, over and over and over again until your legs don't work and your p***y weeps with exhaustion and then I'm going to f**k you all over again. Then when you have come so many times you forget your own name, I'll come deep inside this luscious little body. By tomorrow, you'll never want for another man."
"I already never want one," she gasped and then gave a shrill little squeal as the orgasm hit her full force, spilling over her, her legs shuddering against the tub wall. She felt his fingers withdrawing from her and she opened her eyes, "you have a wicked tongue."
"All the better to eat you with my dear," he smirked as he lifted the toy and held it up, turning it on. "Let's see if I can give my girl multiples before we even hit the bed.'