The Billionaire Playboy's Regret (Lark and Max)

Chapter 24

"What this place?" Lark asked as they approached a nondescript building via a long driveway. It looked like an old, abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

"You ask a lot of questions," Johan looked over his shoulder from the passenger side of the car. "It's almost like you're a lawyer."

She and Ollie were in the back seat and Max and Johan were in the front. Max originally insisted she sit in front with him, but she hopped into the back and refused. Ollie's security team were in cars ahead and behind them.

Ollie was beside her texting frantically into her phone and she kicked the seat in front of her angrily. "What?" Lark questioned her quietly.


"I'll tell you everything after but just so you know, he's not happily married with kids. He's quite divorced." "No way!" she made wide eyes at Ollie's whispered words. "Are you kidding me?"

"Nope. I changed my number back then and made sure he there was no chance to contact me because I didn't want the temptation but now, I've opened f*****g Pandora's box by calling him last weekend." She wriggled her phone, "and I've now told him about your conversation with Doug and how he clearly is slipping in his skills. He doesn't appreciate my negativity. He wants to meet to discuss."


"What are you two whispering about back there? Are you telling Lark what we're doing?" Max demanded his eyes searching the rearview.

"We're talking about how we're going to find a way to get rid of Doug. Lark will be sad if we kill him off." "I say we send a team to his house and finish the beating I started. We don't have to kill him but leaving him in a vegetative state wouldn't be bad."

"Max," Lark reached forward and smacked the back of his head. "Sick."

Johan snickered, "I'm with Max. This Doug guy sounds like a dickhead. I have to ask. You said earlier on your call he was doing cowboy role play. What did you mean?"

"I mean," she grimaced at the memory, "I opened his office door to thank him for the flowers he delivered to me at work. I stood there at least thirty seconds in shock at what I was seeing. His shirt was off and his pants down. His tie was in her mouth, tied around her head and he held both ends of it in his hands like they were reigns"Enjoy this chapter for free and stay updated with the latest version on Jo bn ib.c om. Don't miss out, visit it now. The memory was burnt and charred in her psyche, "He was f*****g her in the ass while she was bent over his desk and sweat was rolling down his chest. They both kept their eyes closed and didn't see me."

"In the ass? At work? Jesus? Did he keep lube in his desk because there is no way he's doing ass play at work without lube. If he stashed lube in his desk, he was planning it, girl."

She turned to look at Ollie. "I don't even want to know."

"Have you ever done anal, Lark? Seriously. Without lube it can hurt."

She was a bright red as she caught Max's curiously naughty smirk in the mirror, and she shook her head furiously at Ollie's intrusive questions.

"All I know is, he was in her ass because she was moaning through the tie how he f****d her ass so good and how she wanted him o fill her ass with his cum." She swallowed the bile in her throat as she revealed her humiliation. "I swear I walked in on the worst possible moment to capture in my brain for all time." "What did you do, Lark? Seriously." Johan was turned completely as Max parked the car. "I think I would have beat the f**k out of him."

"I backed out and stood there on the other side of the door in stunned disbelief. I think I stood there a full minute before I saw red. I was pissed off. There was this large potted plant in the general reception area. He shared his office area with three other lawyers and two admin assistants and two paralegals. My office was on the other end of the floor. I grabbed the potted plant after screaming at the top of my lungs and smashed it through the window and it took the blinds with it. Everyone came running of course as soon as I let loose my primal scream. The entire office got to see Doug pull his d**k out of her while she struggled to cover her boobs up. Then because I smashed the window, they all saw Doug's d**k still flying at half mast," she held her finger bent upward, "and her entire body. What was bad was he tied his tie around her head, so she was torn between trying to untie the tie which gagged her or pull her skirt down or button her blouse up. Doug shirt was completely off, and his pants were at his ankles. I got fired because I caused the scene which exposed her full body to the entire floor, which means I sexually harassed a bunch of lawyers, admin assistants and her and Doug. In retrospect, I didn't mean to cause her to be exposed but I was so pissed off."

She was staring at her fingers while she relayed the story in far more detail than she'd told anyone yet and she felt the flush of humiliation on her cheeks.

"Then one of the paralegals," she exhaled, "said something about her fupa which got me pulled into HR." Suddenly Ollie's giggle caught her ear, and she looked around the car and caught the three of them struggling not to laugh loudly.

"It's not funny!"

"Not funny for you but for them it's f*****g hilarious," Johan snickered as he let loose a loud belly laugh. "They deserved to be exposed like that!" He was chortling merrily. "If you want to go to work and take your d**k and t**s out, then you should be aware your coworkers are going to see it. Some people get off on the risk of getting caught and for them, it bit them in the ass."

Ollie was rolling from side to side and Max was chuckling while Johan roared with laughter.

"All I can picture," he continued, "is the glass shattering and Doug stopping mid stroke to open his eyes to find his entire office watching him f**k her ass."

Lark's lips twisted as Johan giggled like a child. "Johan, it was humiliating!"

"Not for you, Lark!" Johan argued. "You shouldn't feel humiliated. Everyone knows you're a solid ten. I promise the entire office agreed he downgraded and immediately lost the best thing he could have ever hope to be with. You have no reason to be embarrassed or humiliated because of his desire to go for cheap ass in the workplace. You weren't the one exposed.

"They are probably all wondering how bad it was at home for him to get with her."

"No. She was the office mattress." Ollie shook her head. "She was screwing two other lawyers. You told

us last night. There is class," Ollie waved at her, "and then there is ass. She's the latter."

"She alleged the glass cut her when I threw the plant and the firm needed to pay her out a settlement." "Bullshit. How close was his desk to the door?"

"A good distance but HR didn't want to force her to prove her injuries given the entire office saw her nude."

"How do you know all this? You aren't there anymore." Johan asked wiggling his eyeballs.

"Dad," she grinned. "Apparently, he has insider information at the firm. It's been over a week, and I guess the staff are still talking." She leaned forward and looked out the front of the vehicle, "where are we?" "We," Max half-turned as the car was turned off, "are going to work out some of our frustrations." "How?" she was confused as she watched her three companions all exchange grins. "What is going on?" "Ollie made a comment to me this week when we were talking about you, and she let me know my great- grandfather taught you how to shoot."

"Is this a shooting range?" her eyes lit up.

"Better," Johan grinned. "If you were given the opportunity to work out your past frustrations on Max and Ollie for being dickheads," he pointed at them both, "and you were sure they wouldn't die from it, wouldn't you love to shoot them?"

"No!" she protested. "I wouldn't want to shoot anyone."

"Okay, here is the thing," Max spoke up. "We acknowledge you got the brunt of our teenage frustrations. Between desperately trying to get our parents' attentions, Ollie dealing with her sexuality and rage, me dealing with being smarter and sexier than the rest of the world and not fitting in," he ducked back from Johan's punch, "and all my wet dreams of someone who I thought considered me a brother."

"You need to stop blaming me for your bad behavior," Lark glared at him.

"You're right. I do." He said sincerely, "and so tonight is about you having an opportunity to give it back to us the way we gave it to you."

"I don't understand."

"Well," Ollie shrugged, "Johan suggested it might be nice for you to be able to beat the f**k out of us." "Beating you up isn't going to make our past go away." Lark said quietly.

"No, but it's a start," Johan commented quietly. "We can't erase the past, Lark but we missed you. We all missed you. We missed our friend and while some of us weren't the best we could have been, even over this last week," he gave Ollie a pointed glance, "we collectively agreed earlier today we are going to do better."

"But we don't want to pay lip service," Ollie said seriously. "I was out of line last weekend, Lark. I know! apologized last night, and I am grateful for your forgiveness, but we want tonight to be a fresh start and to do this, we want you to get all your frustrations with us out."

"But how?"

"Paintball," Johan grinned. "I warned Max to bring a cup to protect his balls since you're likely to try to aim low. It's going to be you and me against Ollie and Max."

Her eyes lit up. "No way!" Her head swivelled around the car. "You're joking."

"Nope. It's not going to make all the hurt go away but maybe it'll be a good start to beginning again." "So," Ollie asked with a wide grin, "are you in?"

She was shoving the door open excitedly, "Max better wear two cups. I have so much rage to work out." Lark raced to the door of the building as if her feet were touching lava and she needed to get inside before she burned. This was going to be cathartic as f**k.

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