The Billionaire Playboy's Regret (Lark and Max)

Chapter 17

"We've decided you're emotionally incapable of making rational decisions right now about us because you're heartbroken over Douglas the Douche Canoe." Max smirked as he walked away from Ollie. "We've decided it is in your best interest for us to make all decisions concerning our friendship until you are more settled emotionally."

She rolled on her bed and sat up, placing her feet firmly on the floor not missing the laughter on the twins faces. "You're doing what now?"

"We're making all the decisions until you're feeling better over Doug. You're heartbroken right now and you need your friends to comfort and support you, but you keep pushing us away. Granted it's because we're dickheads but, we'll be better." Ollie said as she slung her backpack onto the floor and grinned. "Johan agrees with making friendship decisions by the way and said he would be here, but he has a date with a cowgirl. She's a real cowgirl. Lives on a ranch and wrangles beef steer for a living. It's kind of cool. He met her when Max was in the hospital. She was there because she broke her wrist when -"

"I don't care," Lark interrupted Ollie's storytelling. "What are you doing?" She eyed the items being pulled from the backpack suspiciously.

"We're having a sleepover. We were going to do it in the treehouse but pretty sure we heard Dad egging Mom to meet him out there and we've already seen them have s*x too many times in our lives for me to risk witnessing it one more time."

"We're having a sleepover?" she tried to ignore the way Max was now looking around the room and the scowl on his face." We can't have a sleepover."

"Why not? It's Friday night. You don't work tomorrow." Ollie wriggled a bottle of bourbon, "and Dad got a new bottle in this morning. We stole it."

"You stole it," Max corrected. "I have my own my own bottle at home."

"Remember when we stole the peach schnapps from Everly's stash, and we got wasted up here?" Ollie giggled with the memory. "We all puked so hard."

"I still hate peach schnapps." Lark shuddered while her mouth grew watery with the memory. "What is your problem?" she finally snapped at Max who was shoving things aside on her vanity.

"Where are all our pictures?" he turned and faced her angrily. "There were photos everywhere of you and me and they're gone."

"We burned them," Ollie ratted her out with a grin. "She was removing you from her life because you're a jerk who treated her like shit."

"I'm not the only one who treated her like s**t. Why do you get your photos to still be here?"

"Because it wasn't my d**k she wanted, it was yours and you were too stupid to notice, and it broke her heart. Almost got her killed too."

"Ollie!" Lark hissed at her. She did not want Max to know about the events of prom and it was twice now in front of him she brought it up.

"What almost got her killed?"

"Secrets. All these secrets we all keep from each other. It's awful. We are dying inside," Ollie said dramatically as she yanked the top off the bourbon and took a swig. She passed the bottle to her brother who shook his head at her behavior before shrugging, taking it and downing a big mouthful. Ollie pushed her laptop across the floor sinking down beside it." We should look at our old photos and talk about the happy times instead of rehashing the shitty ones. S"

Lark groaned and stomped into the bathroom and came back with paper cups she used for mouthwash.

"Here, bourbon like that needs to be sipped not chugged, you heathens." Pouring a measure into the cup, she sat on the floor opposite Ollie and rested her back against the bed, closing her eyes.

"Heard from Douglas?" Ollie asked as she kicked her feet out and nudged Lark's legs.


"Really? He was supposed to forget you exist. I'll need to call my friend again."

She and Ollie stared at each other, and Lark lifted an eyebrow, but Ollie gave her a warning glance. Interesting. She really hadn't told Max about the cartel leader. Huh.

Max butted into their silent conversation, "what did Doug the Douche want?"

"He went to drive his sports car and found out what I did to it."

"He was driving a Prius when he was here. He thinks it's a sports car?" Max commented sitting down next

to her, his thigh touching hers. He grunted when she pulled away from him and yanked her back. "Quit it."

He took his phone out and took a selfie of them, "we're starting a new collection."

"He used the Prius for driving to work but he kept the sports car he bought when he won his first big case and got a bonus. "She tried not to react to his touch or his words.

"What did you do to it?" Max asked sipping on his paper cup.

"Put olive oil in the windshield wash and snapped all those little cap things on the wheels so the air would gradually leak out and put an opened can of sardines under the floor mat."

"Ooh," Ollie squealed, "tell him about the trunk."

"Did you put a body in it?" Max laughed.


"What?" he was stunned at Lark's answer. "You put a body in the trunk of his car?"

"It was roadkill. I was leaving the condo and there was a dead racoon on the side of the road. I used a shovel from the maintenance closet of the building and dropped it in his trunk. It's been there a week. Enjoy this chapter for free and stay updated with the latest version on Jo b ni Don't miss out, visit it now. He called me today because his car was impounded since he wasn't permitted to park there anymore once I terminated our lease. He arrived at the lot to pick it up and apparently, it's quite smelly between the fish and rotting flesh."

Max's loud bark of laughter made her giggle, despite her intention to continue hating him.

"What did he say when he called you?" Ollie asked.

"He said I was going to be on the hook for the repairs and detailing of the vehicle and I asked if he found any proof, I did what he accused me of. I pointed out, he made a lot of enemies as a lawyer, including ******g around with a married woman and her husband might be a smidge angry himself."

"The secretary was married?" Ollie asked aghast. "She who liked to be ridden like a horsey was married?" "Yes. I found out this week because the husband messaged me. He asked if I was interested in revenge sex."

"You said no, right?" Max shoved his knee into her thigh.

She reached onto her nightstand and grabbed her phone and pulled up the photo of the husband and showed him and then Ollie, "would you say no?"

"I'd ride him into the sunset," Ollie passed the phone to Max who grunted his disproval at the attractive man. "I mean as far as revenge s*x would go, it's not a bad idea."

"Except, I also found out she was fooling around with a couple of the lawyers which means if he wasn't using protection with his wife, he was getting all of their ickiness on his d**k. I don't want it near me. It feels too much like I'd somehow be getting intimate with her."

"Weird but I like your train of thought," Max nodded at her.

"Shut up Max. You bang more women than she ever did men. Your d**k is repulsive too."

"My d**k has always been firmly and completely wrapped in latex."

"Mine too," Ollie said with a smirk.

"I don't want to talk about either of your d***s," Lark reached for the bottle and added more bourbon to her cup.

"Yes, you do," Max winked at her boldly, "but today we're here as friends."

She punched his shoulder, and he dropped his arm over her and hugged her before letting her go quickly. "Your mom told my mom she heard you crying a couple of times and she's worried about you. She said she was worried you would listen to his bullshit and take him back." Ollie said quietly. "Are you okay?" "No but I will be fine. I won't take him back. I'm never going to be lonely enough to be stupid," Lark sighed and rested her head against the mattress behind her. "I think I'm ashamed because I'm fairly sure I'm defective. "How so?"

She considered Max's quiet question and sighed, "I miss him. I know he f****d her. I saw it with my own eyes. His bullshit excuse about panicking and never being able to sleep with someone else again being the catalyst for his affair aside, he always treated me well. We weren't like Mom and Dad where they can't pass each other without somehow touching. We didn't text each other multiple times a day to check in. Hell th there were days we passed each other in the hall and barely spoke because we were both so and war case." She took a sip of her drink, "but he always kissed me goodnight and good listened I to me when I needed to vent. He always put the toilet seat down and never left the

wrapped up in morning. He ver off the cover Mostly though, I miss having him hold me at night and the scent of his cologne. When I joined Dad's firm this week, my very first thought was I wanted to tell him because we always celebrated things together and I couldn't." She wiped a tear off her face. "I'm probably going to die alone or worse, turn into a Nana Prue who goes on singles cruises and comes back with leathery old men chasing me with engagement rings while I bellow it was only s*x in front of my appalled granddaughters."

toothpaste. He knew how to give me an orgasm with with his eyes closed. The s*x was good.


She felt Max's fingers intertwine with hers and the way Ollie pulled her feet onto her lap to squeeze her toes.

"You're not going to die alone, Lark." Ollie whispered. "This is a hiccup."

"I thought he loved me. It might not have been love at first sight like Mom and Dad or the crazy passion your parents have but I thought we had a good steady love, and I was wrong and it really f*****g hurts." A sob ripped through her chest. "I feel stupid to cry over a man who cheated on me. See, defective?" She waved at her face furiously.

"Chère," Max whispered as he drew her to his chest, his thick bicep rounding her shoulders gently, "its okay to cry." He kissed the top of her head as he sighed loudly while she broke down in his arms. "It is good to cry."

She sobbed her heart out as Max held her tight and Ollie kneeled behind her to rub her back gently. The comfort of her old friends felt like a safe haven from her tumultuous mood. Maybe just this once, she would let them stay.

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