Chapter 139
---- But I didn't seem to care about it.
All I could see in the darkness was the betrayal in Xavier's eyes when I rooted the dagger into his chest The first teardrop that has fallen down from his eyes.
It killed something inside me: He said he will protect me from everyone? And I killed him? T wasnt that innocent doll he worshiped anymore.
T was the siren that lured him and killed him in the end.
Ijust killed the strongest man in this world.
But why do I feel so weak? Like I myself ripped out something from my chest ---- eee and then burned it to ashes.
Momma? Anthony? Brothers? I took your revenge today.
Your souls will find peace now.
But then why is my soul so at unrest? re] ashbacks hit me like a broken record.
5B e first day I saw him at the altar.
The day he murdered those men in the forest and forced a gun into my mouth.
The first tme he touched me.
KB ie way we faked it in front of the elders.
4 e bath in the tub His hands on my body.
---- Our first kiss The softness of his lips.
My first heat.
The day he found me in the dark room with that blackmailer.
The fear in his eyes on losing me.
How he snuggled with my backs and didn't disturbed my sleep.
The soup he cooked for me.
His thumb pad brushing my lips and how he sucked that whipped cream.
He showed me a world I was unfamiliar with.
But I guess that's all it will be.
He didn't deserve to live.
---- eee = Cold winds hit me and I shiver involuntarily, almost missing the warmth of his arms.
Pushing aside the thought I feel the wagon stopping Take her to the special cell.
The council will look into this tomorrow.
One of the guards speaks and I found myself getting dragged.
I couldn't see.
And even if I did I don't think I would be able to walk properly.
My knees were feeling too weak.
After walking for what felt like forever I hear the cranking of a metal and I am pushed in.
My knees bruise against the tiles.
The door shuts and I hear it lock.
And then nothing The place was smelling like shit.