Chapter 122
---- But lust.
Raw and disastrous But I don't seem to give two shits about that at the moment.
I want her.
From every morning to every night I want her close.
Very close to me.
Her eyes always searching mine.
Your highness.
I am afraid I couldn't proceed with your request.
My driver tell me in the mind link and I furrow my brows.
What do you mean?? ---- eee T searched the entire hall.
Mrs King is nowhere to be found.
The image of her at my feet, with the entire kingdom staring at her.
Left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Those tears in her eyes? I almost regretted twirling her like that and then leaving her.
T just wanted to pick her up and take us home.
To tend to her sprained ankle and not let her take one painful step by herself.
But then I couldn't portray myself to be weak Care Only the weak show it.
People should fear me.
Not just their body but even.
their souls should tremble hearing my name.
I have ---- no plans to rule with stupid things like justice and humanity.
I will rule with just one thing To such an extend that a person will think a hundred times before committing a crime in my kingdom.
She was a fool to go ahead with that stupid stunt.
I was introducing her to the elders, trying to clean the stain on her name because of being Davide daughter.
But she? She made herself a mocking stock.
A Queen doesn't get drunk and makes a fool of herself in front of her people.
She has a class, a grace a sophistication.
Which she lacks in all respect.
---- eee = But then how can one expect a lioness to behave like a swan? Ican chose any woman.
Any swan.
Any woman will die to be my Queen.
But I just want her.
My lioness.
The only woman who doesn't want to be A smile forms on my lips and I shake my head in a no to step out of the room.
lam sure she must be there only? Where can she go with a strained ankle any ? Check properly.
She must be there.
" T swear I checked everywhere your highness!