Rift in the perfect picture

Chapter 268

was onk cartell rght Neolas nas stalen aback by the more that hat slipped from my last 360 was tong hinsel word what est besides the physical attraction was making him so obsess

with me.

the him suveny that she wise woman,


was nothing more than a marriage of cheer the he

arrage of creence the he knew all 200 well.

He couldn’t understand why he was so

eest with o

EUR one woman, to the

point of feeling salous about her being with Pate

He had ever deliberaeh sought out Jasmine, defying his entire family and going against his father for the first time all for the sake of telling me that was nothing more than a woman–is are among many he could have the

Love? How could be possibly love a woman who was so cerse who knew nothing about his business, couldn’t help him at all and was completely incapable of being a supportive partner

Even though she was young, beautiful, and physically compatible with him. he could only admit to enjoying the way she pleased him in bed. He refused to acknowledge anything else.

ང 12:2:|:

I noticed the myned of emotions playing across Nicholas face and decided to add fuel to the fire Since you don’t want me as your wife, there’s no need

to make things difficult for other people

“Whether Pene succeeds or not is up to fate, and if you keep butting in, it

might come back to be you in the ass.

Nchoas sherred and instanty regained his composure. So, she was just Two piest Fere’s case? The brief panic he’d felt a moment ago now seemed rdiculous. He wouldn’t admit it or allow it, but why did it bother him

re cenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. He realized that he crobably couldn’t accept that a woman who had been loyal to him for so many wears would betray him. There was no way he could ever develop

faimos for a woman.

The car sticided to a halt at the roadside, and Nicholas kicked me out without arcuter word I watched the car disappear into the distance and couchtheb but curse him.

“You crazy bastard” Well, at least Nicholas wouldn’t make things difficult for Pete anymore, right?

Love was so complicated. Nicholas didn’t understand it, and neither did I. I cared about Pete, but it felt different from how a lover would care. I wanted him to do well, but I hoped his efforts were for himself, not just for me.

I hoped he could prove his worth and then choose the woman he genuinely wished to be with anyone he felt was right for him. But since I had given him my word, I was willing to wait for him. After all, my life couldn’t be on hold forever. I needed to move forward too.

I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, feeling a profound sadness. I had no idea where I was, but it didn’t matter. I could just take a cab home.

The next day, my Instagram was flooded with direct messages. Someone had seen what happened outside the TV station and posted a photo of me kissing Nicholas in front of his car, asking, “Is that you?

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