Chapter 54 - Returning to my rejected mate
Shay's Point of View
"Well.. Before I tell you what we decided.. I have some news for you, that we got this morning at the doctor's appointment."
Amy and I look at each other before looking at Megan again.
"Okay? Is everything alright?"
I ask with a frown.
Megan smiles and nods.
"Everything is great. So as you know we went to the doctor this morning and we got a little suprise."
She takes something out of his pocket and slides a sonogram over the table.
Amy and I gasp simultaneously.
"Oh my god Megan! Congratulations!"
Amy yells as she goes around the table to hug Megan and Megan laughs.
"Thank you!"
She says hugging Amy back. I walk around the table to hug her as well.
"Congratulations. You're going to have your hands full."
Amy and I take our seats again.
"Yeah. It came as a bit of a shock. The doctor was quite surprised when she realized she missed
one. This one must have been hidden behind the other one or something."
"Oh wow.. Twins... This is so exciting."
Amy says looking at the sonogram again with a little smile and I nod in agreement.
"We need to go do some more shopping."
I say with a smirk and Megan and Amy laugh, both noddig at me.
"We definitely do."
"So, what did you decide about the party?"
"We want to do the big gender reveal."
"Yeah!" Amy squeals in excitement. "This is going to be great. You're gonna love it! I promise."
"I'm sure I will." She hands me an envelope. "Dr. Anderson put their genders in here for you guys. Take it, I've been tempted to peak since I got it."
I smile at her and take the envelope.
"I would be too. Don't worry just a few more days then you'll know the gender of your two little wolves."
"I know. Jake and I am so excited, we can't wait."
"We'll get started with the plans as soon as were done here. Is there anyone from back home you'd wanna invite? Or something specific you'd want for the party?"
Megan thinks for a moment and then shrugs.
"Not really.. Just Ashley and my parents.. But I'll think about it and send you a list with people.. And if I see something for the party that I'd like or want I'll send it to you. But you have free reigns, go nuts."
"Oh, we will. I am so excited, I can't wait."
Amy says and Megan smiles at her as she gets up.
"Well, I'll see you two later. I have to get to the school."
Amy and I wave her goodbye before Amy turns to me.
"Okay, so Ryan is out with Jake and Zane all day. He said we could use his office, or do you want to do this in the garden?"
I look outside.
"I think maybe the garden. The weather looks nice today. If it doesn't work we can always head to the office."
"Great, you head out and I'll get something to drink and some snacks."
I arch an eyebrow.
"We just had breakfast Amy."
"So? That doesn't mean we can't have a few snacks."
She says, smirking at me and then heads to the kitchen. I just smile and shake my head, making my way outside to find a shady spot.
About 10 minutes later Amy joins me and I open the envelope.
"Well? What does it say?"
I look up and smile at her.
"A boy and a girl."
I say handing her the note and she smiles as well.
"Aww. Now they got one of each. They are going to be so happy."
"Yes.. They will.. Okay so I didn't even think about doing a reveal for two. But I saved a few ideas that we could look at and then we can look at your ideas as well and decide what we want to do?"
For the next two hours we go through all off our ideas, deciding on the theme and putting down some food idea. But we still can't decide on how to do the gender reveal. We only have two options left to choose between but both it's hard to choose just one.
I groan, running my hand through my hair.
"I don't know which one. I love both ideas."
Amy nods taking a few chips and popping them into her mouth.
"Yeah I know, can't we just do something different for each twin? Then we don't have to choose."
I laugh and shake my head.
"I think that would be a little much. Maybe we should just go with the tic-tac toe idea?"
"I like that one too. But then we have another question to consider. Do we go with the balloons
and the darts or with the tiles they need to flip?"
"My vote goes for darts and balloons. That sounds like fun."
I turn to see Zane and Ryan heading our way.
Ryan bends down to kiss Amy and she smiles.
"You do know the balloons and darts are only for Megan and Jake right?"
Amy asks and Ryan shrugs.
"Even so. I still like that idea."
Zane smiles at me as he comes to sit next to me.
I smile back at him, leaning closer for a kiss but he moves back and I frown.
"What's wrong?"
He shrugs and smirks at me.
"Nothing. Technically that would be me getting some, and you made it pretty clear I can't get
I stare at him, flabbergasted before turning to Amy and Ryan who both burst out laughing.
"Can you believe this?"
Amy wipes the tears from her eyes.
"He does have a point."
I frown and look back at the smirking Zane.
"Okay fine then. Everything is off limits. No kissing, no touching, no hand holding nothing."
Zane frowns at me.
"I was just kidding."
He says trying to reach for me but I sit back in my chair.
"Nope, you started this. I'm just giving you what you want."
Ryan snickers.
"You asked for it."
Amy nods, smiling and Zane just frowns at them.
"It was just a joke. I didn't actually plan on going through with it."
"Well now you have to."
I smirk at him and shrug.
"This game isn't funny anymore."
I laugh, shaking my head.
"It's been one day Zane. Do you want to concede already?"
He frowns at me.
"No, I won't give up that easy. I'm just saying."
"You started this game. We'll see who caves first."
I say blowing a kiss at him.
"My money is on Zane, caving first."
Ryan says smirking and Amy nods in agreement.
"You all suck."
Zane says frowning and folding his arms over his chest.
"Can we just talk about something else?"
Zane asks annoyed and we laugh at him.
"I seriously need new friends.."
He mumbles annoyed.