Returning To My Rejected Mate

Chapter 50 - Returning to my rejected mate

Shay's Point of View

"Please just one more? Then we'll go to bed. I promise."

I sigh, crossing my over my chest and shaking my head.

"Seriously Zane? No! You've been saying that for the last 3 episodes. You're done. Zayde needs to go to bed."

I say and put of the tv to show them how serious I am.

"But I want to watch more Bluey."

Zayde says with a pout.

"No. I've given you more than enough time to watch Bluey tonight. It's bedtime Mr."

I say pointing in the direction of his room but he shakes his head at me crossing his little arms over his chest.

"No. I want to watch Bluey!"

I arch my eyebrow at him.

"Excuse me? Just who do you think you are talking to? I am not one of your friends. I am your mother and what I say goes. Now, just because of what you did tonight, there will be no more watching Bluey for a week."

"A week? Isn't that a bit harsh?"

Zane asks with a frown and I glare at him.

"I wasn't talking to you. You've been aiding him in disobeying me. I'll get to you in a minute.."

I turn back to Zayde.

"When you apologize, and really mean it I'll reconsider. But until then.. No Bluey. Go brush your teeth and get to bed."

He goes to protest but I hold.up my hand.

"Keep this up and there's no Jason for a week as well. You'll sit here all alone doing nothing. Go brush your teeth and get into bed. You're father will be there in a second."

He nods and slowly makes his way to his room.

"Goodnight Zayde."

I say, staring after him down the hall. He mumbles a goodnight and I sigh before I turn back to Zane with my hands on my hips. He gives me a sheepish smile and holds his hands up between


"Just calm down, baby."

"Don't tell me to calm down Zane. Look what you've done. He should've been in bed half an hour ago. You're not supposed to let him do what he wants. You're supposed to help me teach our son. Now he thinks he doesn't have to listen to me because you said he can watch some more tv."

He sighs lowering his hands.

"I know baby. I'm sorry, we were just having so much fun watching Bluey I didn't mean for it to

go this way. I'll talk to him. It won't happen again. I promise."

I glare at him for a few more minutes before I nod.

"Fine. You go get him into bed while I clean up."

Zane nods and heads to the hall.

"And Zane when I say into bed I really mean into bed."

I say, staring at him. He turns back to me.

"Yes, I know. I promise. Straight to bed."

He turns away again and heads over to Zayde's room.

I shake my head and sigh while I start to clean up the tv room. This co-parenting thing is new.. To

both of us. But we need to get a handle on this or that boy is going to play us like puppets..

Zane's Point of View

"Can you read me a story?"

Zayde asks as I tuck him into bed.

I shake my head and smile at him.

"No, buddy no stories. I'm sorry. I promised your mom you'll go straight to bed."

"She's being mean. Can we watch Bluey tomorrow when it's just us?"

"Okay buddy we nee to talk."

I sit there for a minute just staring at him not sure how to start.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes sorry. I'm fine. So about your mom.. She isn't being mean."

"I think she is."

I shake my head.

"Well let's think about it... Mommy made us snacks and told us we could watch four episodes of

Bluey but then you have to head to bed. Right?"

I ask and Zayde nods.

"That was pretty nice of her, wasn't it?"

"Yes.. I guess.."

"Okay and then what happened?"

"We watched Bluey."

"That's right.. And what happened after we've watched the four episodes and she said it's bedtime?"

"We watched more Bluey."

I nod my head.

"Exactly.. Mommy let us watch 3 more episodes. Even after she said it was bedtime. And then what happened?"

"We wanted to watch more Bluey. And she said no."

"That's right. Because she already let us watch 3 episodes more than we originally agreed to. You got to stay up later and you got to watch more Bluey. And we still wanted more after she already gave us alot. Mommy isn't the one being mean we are. We didn't listen to her and we disobeyed her."

"But we wanted to watch more Bluey."

"Yes.. And that was wrong. She said four episodes.. And then we got to watch seven. We took advantage of her niceness. We were greedy. We kept wanting more and more. And did we even say thank you?"

Zayde frowns and shakes his head.

"No.. we didn't."

I nod.

"Good.. What did you d9?

Zayde sighs.

"I got mad at her and talked back."

"And was that nice?"

I ask him with an arched brow. He thinks for a moment before he slowly shakes his head.

"No, that wasn't nice.. I was being mean to her... And I didn't listen."

"Exactly. And when we disobey there are consequences."

"Like no Blue."

I smiles at him and nod.

"Yes.. Like no Bluey."

He is quiet for a minute before he looks up at me.

"Is mommy mad at me?"

"No buddy, maybe a little annoyed and hurt but not mad. You should really apologize to her tomorrow."

"How? Do I just say sorry!"

"Well there is a little more to it. But yes.. You walk over to her and say you are very very sorry and you love her."

He nods.


"Daddy has a great idea. How about tomorrow you draw her a few pictures to say how sorry you are and how much you love her. We get her some chocolates and a big bouquet of flowers. And when she comes home tomorrow we give all of it to her?"

"Do you think she'd like that?"

He asked excitedly and I nod.

"Yes she will definitely like it. Now that we have our plans for tomorrow, it's time for you to sleep. Goodnight buddy."

I say bending down and kissing his head. He gives a big yawn, then smiles at me while snuggling into his pillow.

"Goodnight daddy."

I see Shay coming in heading for us. I stand up and she beds over our son, kissing his head.

"Goodnight baby. I love you."

"Night mama. I love you too."

We leave the room, heading for ours.

As soon as the door closes begind us, I pull Shay closer. Nibbling on her neck.

"Alone at last! So.. Since Zayde already has his punishment I think it's only fair if I get my

punishment in return. So what is it going to be little mate?"

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