Returning To My Rejected Mate

Chapter 47 - Returning to my rejected mate

Zane's Point of View

"So we're going to stay with daddy?"

Zayde asks, looking at Shay and she nods at him, smiling.

"Yes, we are staying with your daddy. We'll go to uncle Dan's pack on another day. To check on grandma and grandpa. But we'll come right back."

Zayde turns to me with wide eyes.

"Are we really staying with you daddy?"

I give him a soft smile, ruffling his hair.

"Yes, you really are."

He turns to Jason with a big smile.

"I don't have to leave anymore! You can still be my friend."

"Why do you think you would have stopped being friends?"

I ask him with a frown and both boys look at me frowning as well.

"You can't be friends with someone you don't see."

Jason says, as if it is the most logical thing ever. And Zayde nods in confirmation.

"You have to see someone and play with them to be friends."

I look at both boys, not sure what to say. I look at the rest around the table and they all shrug at me. No one knows how to respond to their logic.

I look back at the boys and smile.

"That isn't exactly how it works kiddos, but let's move on. Since you are staying, I think you should both move into my apartment. Zayde, you can choose any room you want and then we can decorate it."

"But I already have a room."

"You have a room on the alpha floor yes, but those are usually for guests, my apartment is where the Alpha family lives. And since you're not leaving anymore you and your mom should both move into the apartment with me."

"Can I have a Bluey room?"

He asks excitedly.

I frown and look at Shay.

"A what?"

She shakes her head and smiles at our son.

"You can have any room you want."

"Can I go choose a room now?"

He asks looking between me and his mother.

"Did you finish your food?"

Zayde nods and Shay looks at me.

"Well if you're dad is finished and ready I guess we can go?"

I put my last bite in my mouth and stand up.

"I'm done. We can go."

I look at Ryan and Jake.

"I'll see you at the office a bit later. I'll link you when I'm on my way."

They both nod at me before I turn around and head out of the dining room to follow Shay and Zayde.

I catch up to them quickly, grabbing Shay's hand as we make our way up to our floor.

All the while Zayde keeps going on about something called bluey and all of his ideas for his bedroom.

"Can I have sleepytime stars??"

"Of course baby, we can get you some of those."

Shay says smiling and I frown again because I still did not know what they were talking about.

"Can someone please explain to me too what you are talking about?"

They both look at me.

"Don't you know who Bluey is?"

Zayde ask sounding shocked and I shake my head, he stares at Shay with wide eyes.

"Mommy he doesn't know Bluey."

"Yes, I see that baby. Maybe we could show him tonight?"

Zayde nods vigorously and then starts to talk about his room again.

I look at Shay.

"What are you going to show me?"

"A kids show."

I groan in protest and she slaps my chest.

"Stop. You haven't even seen it yet. I promise you, you'd love it!"

I stop at my door, unlocking it and letting Shay in before turning to Zayde that is still walking

down the hall and still talking about his room.

"Zayde, where are you going?"

He turns to look at me, and then down the hall before he runs back over to me.

"Oh yeah! Sorry! I forgot."

He smiles at me and I smile back as we go into my apartment.

"So where are the room?"

He asks looking around.

I motion to the hallway.

"Right down here. There are 3 rooms. You can pick any room you like."

He nods and wanders over to the rooms.

I turn to Shay.

"Want to join him? Or would you like some coffee?"

"Coffee, please. Let him decide on a room on his own."

We make our way over to the kitchen and I put on the kettle.



I ask looking at the mugs, pouring in the coffee and sugar.

"I have to go back to my pack..."

I slowly lower the sugar pot before I turn to her with a sigh.

"Yeah I know.. When do you want to go?"

"As soon as possible I guess... My mom is really not doing well.. I want to spend some time with her. It won't be for long. I'll just feel better if I see her."

"I can't really leave now.. Maybe you should ask my mother if she wants to join you."

"I didn't even think about that. That's a great idea. Maybe seeing her would snap my mother out

of it. Even just doe a littlewhile"

"It couldn't hurt to try."

I say handing her, her coffee.

"I'll go talk to her a little later. Thank you. For understanding."

I nod and smile at her.

Before either of us can say anything else Zayde comes running down the hall.

"I chose one! Come see!"

Shay and I take our mugs and follow our son down the hall.

"This is isn't the biggest one. But I have my own bathroom! Mommy you can have the bigger

room. It just across from mine."

Shay and I look at each other before she smiles at him.

"Thank you baby. But I don't need that one. I already have one."

"Which one is yours?"

"I'm going to share daddy's room with him."


He asks with a frown.

"Because that's just what mommy's and daddy's do when they live together."

I say getting down to his level, looking into those eyes so similar to mine.

"Then who's getting those rooms?"

"Well.. no one now. Those are for when you have a brother or sister."

"I'm going to have a brother or sister?"

He says looking between me and Shay.

She arches her brow at me, waiting for me to answer. I look back at Zayde.

"At some point yes, you will."


I shrug.

"I'm not sure buddy. Whenever the moon goddess decides to bless us with a baby."

Zayde frowns..

"Can she do it soon?"

"Do you want a brother or a sister soon?"

Shay asks running her fingers through his hair and he starts nodding excitedly.

"Yes. Lots and lots of them.. But then we need more rooms daddy. There isn't enough rooms for

all the babies."

He says looking worried.

I look at him with a smile.

"Then we'll just have to build ourselves a big house to make room for all the babies."

"I think so to. Will you give me money?"

"Why do you need money?"

"When I watch the babies. Momma used to give Lisa money whenever she would watch me

when she auntie Ashley had to work."

He says earnestly and Shay laughs.

"You're thinking ahead way to much baby. For now, you are enough. But we can talk about

money again when there is a baby on the way."

"Okay.. Do you think if I make a wish the moon goddess will send us a baby?"

Shay and I look at each other before she smiles softly at our son, cupping his face.

"If you ask her nicely I'm sure she'll grant your wish."

"Okay, I'll ask her tonight."

I just smile and shake my head.

"You do that buddy.. Now come on do you guys want to watch a movie before I go to the



Zayde yells out rushing out of the room.


He asks stopping midway.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Can we watch Happy Feet?"

Shay chokes on her coffee and I laugh at her before nodding at our son.

"Sure. We can watch Happy Feet."

I smile as we make our way to the tv room.

I could get used to this. Having my family with me like this everyday.

I put the movie on and sit on the couch next to Shay.

She smiles at me and cuddles into my side.

I wrap my arm around her and kiss her softly.

She sighs happily and rest her head against my shoulder and my heart feels full..

This is what I want for the rest of my life.

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