Returning To My Rejected Mate

Chapter 29 - Returning to my rejected mate

Shay's Point of View

About an hour later we're heading back inside. Zane and Ryan are carrying the boys who fell

asleep while AB and I both carry one of her girls.

I smile down at the sleeping Aria and look at AB.

"She's so beautiful. With her big eyes and wild curls."

AB smiles back at me and nods.

"She is. But don't let her innocent look fool you. She's a real menace that one, I honestly don't

know where she gets it from."

We both laugh as we walk inside.

"Where are we taking them?"

I ask her and she motions upstairs.

"I think they'll be out for quite a while so let's go put them in their beds."

I nod and follow her up the stairs to their room.

"So, I know you two are only now starting over.. But do you plan on having anymore kids?"

AB ask as she lays down Amanda, I lay Aria down as well before I turn to AB and shrug with a smile.

"I think so. Both of us want to, so.. I guess we'll see. How about you? Are you having anymore?"

AB laughs.

"Honestly, I don't know. Alex wants more, and I really want a little boy.. But these two are a handfull."

I laugh as well and nod.

"Yes, from what I've seen they do like to keep you on your toes."

She nods before we leave their room.

"That they do. But I love it."

She shrugs with a smile.

I nod at her.

"I know exactly what you mean.. Raising Zayde has had it challenges, and it definitely hasn't been easy but I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"It's true what people say, you don't know what you were missing until you've had kids. They make everything worth it. I'll take every sleepless night, just to be able to hold my little girls on my chest."

I nod and give her a soft smile.

"There is nothing better than having them sleeping on your chest. It's just something you can't explain to someone without children."

AB smiles and nods at me again as we walk to the receiving we previously occupied. Going inside I see a few people have left us.

"Mom and dad decided to retire to their own suite, they'll join us again later. Megan was feeling tired so Jake took her to their room as well. And both boys are sleeping in Zayde's room."

Zane explains quickly as he sees my eyes roaming the room.

"So it's just the five of us. What would you like to do?"

Ryan asks looking at us expectantly.

I glance at my watch.

"Well it's four thirty in the afternoon. Maybe we can just stay in and watch movies while the kids are asleep?"

Everyone nods.

"Great, you guys go pick a movie. We'll go get snacks."

Amy says, gesturing for me and AB to follow her while the men head for the television room to pick a movie.

AB stops midway and her eyes gloss over, clearly mindlinking someone, after the mindlink ends she gives us a big smile.

"Excuse me for a minute girls. Alex just got here. I'll just go grab him and then we'll join you." Amy and I nod at her before she rushes out to go to her mate.

"What snacks would you like?"

Amy asks, staring at the items in the open cupboard. I shrug.

"I don't know.. Some popcorn? Well a lot of popcorn and maybe some chips and sweets?"

I say getting a few cans and water bottles from the fridge. Amy nods and starts to take the things out she think we'll need.

We're still busy popping popcorn and making small talk when we hear footsteps approach. We

both look at the door to see AB and her mate Alex entering the room.

AB gives me a smile before leading her mate over to me.

"Baby, this is Shay, Zane's mate. Shay, this is my mate, Alex."

The big blond man beside her gives me a friendly smile and extends his hand to me.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Shay."

I shake his hand and give him a smile back.

"You too. Are you two going to join us for the movie??"

The look at each other before they nod.

"Great, then you can carry all these snacks. Hi Alex, good to see you again."

Amy says with a grin, handing him the heavily loaded tray.

Alex smiles and shakes his head.

"Hi Amy, it's looks like your planning on feeding an army?"

He teases as we make our way to the television room.

Amy scoffs.

"Have you seen the way you guys eat? I'm not even sure this is going to be enough."

AB and I laugh while Alex just shakes his head.

Zane looks up and smiles at me as we enter the television room and motions me over to the sofa

he's seated on. I slowly walk towards him and arch my brown at him, seeing he's seated on a single sofa.

"And where do you expect me to sit?"

"There's a perfectly good seat right here."

Zane says with a smirk, patting his lap.

"Seriously Zane? I can't sit on your lap for an entire movie?"

I say shaking my head and turn to head over to one of the other sofas, but before I can get far Zane's hand shoots out, wraps around my wrist and tugs me down onto his lap.

I stare at him shocked, not expecting that while the others in the room snicker at my expression. "Well I guess it's settled then Shay, you'll be sitting on Zane's lap. So can we start the movie now?"

Ryan asks with a smirk and I blush before nodding my head.

Amy stands up and turns down the lights before she takes her place beside her mate again and

he starts the movie.

As soon as the lights go out I pinch Zane's chest.

He flinches and rubs the spot, frowning at me.

"Ouch! That hurt. What was that for?"

"That was for manhandling me. You can't just pull me into your lap like that."

I hiss and he smirks again.

"I didn't manhandle you. And I want you close to me. Plus you'll be happy your sitting with me to

hold you soon enough."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"What movie did you guys pick?"

As soon as I ask that I hear Amy groan.

"Seriously guys? Why this movie?"

I turn my head to the television to see what movie they chose and groan as well before glaring at

Zane again.

"Seriously? The Grudge? You did this on purpose didn't you? You know this movie freaks me


He wraps his arms around me and smirks.

"Maybe.. But don't worry. I'm here to protect you."

"You're going to pay for this. I don't know when.. Or how.. but you will."

I threaten him and settle into his chest, he laughs and nods before kissing my head and

wrapping his arms even tighter around me.

"I can't wait. Now be quiet and watch the movie."

I honestly hate this movie, but I will get my revenge I think with a small smile, but for now I guess

I'm going to have to watch the stupid movie..

I sigh and reluctantly turn my eyes to the screen.

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