Returning To My Rejected Mate

Chapter 27 - Returning to my rejected mate

Shay's Point of View

As we reach the packhouse I feel my heart start to race seeing the people waiting on the grass.. I thought I'd have some time before having to face them.

I swallow nervously and Zane glances at me, giving me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I asked them to give us some time but clearly they didn't listen."

I give him a small smile.

"It's okay, they're excited to meet Zayde."

"They're excited to see you too."

I arch my brow.

"Really? Even your father?"

"Don't worry about him. Mom will put him in his place."

"I don't want to cause any problems between you."

I say, nervously wringing my hands.

Zane turns to me as he switches off the car.

"You won't. I want you here, he'll just have to get used to it."

"Why are these people just standing there?"

Zayde suddenly asks with a frown and I smile at him.

"That's daddy's family. Are you ready to meet them?"

He shakes his head and I see him nervously looking at them through the window.

"What's wrong baby?"

He looks at me and I see his lips tremble.

"What if they don't like me?"

Zane smiles at him.

"Are you kidding me? Your the best kid there is. They are going to love you!"

"Are you sure?"

He asks, still not looking convinced and chewing on his lip.

Zane nods at him.

"Of course I'm sure.. Now come on, put on your brave face and let's go meet them. Do you think you can do that for me?"

Zayde nods at his father and Zane smiles, reaching for Zayde's hair and ruffling it.

"Good. Because they're really excited to meet you."

Zane gets out and walks around the car to get Zayde. I can't seem to tear my eyes away from the people waiting infront of the packhouse. Zane opens my door and I swallow nervously as I get out.

Zane gives me an encouraging smile.

"It's going to be fine. Trust me."

He takes my hand and we walk to his family.

"Guys, what happened to giving us sometime?"

He asks them with a frown.

His mother waves her hand in the air.

"Oh you knew that was never going to happen. We're to excited to meet them."

She turns to me with a soft smile.

"Sorry for kind of ambushing you like this dear. We really just are excited to meet Zane and see you. I don't know if you remember me, I'm Zane's mother. You can call me Diana.. Or mom if you'd like."

"Mom! Stop that!"

Zane says with a frown and I smile at her.

"It's okay, I know you must be very excited to see Zayde. I'm sorry it took this long for you all to meet."

She makes a dismissive gesture with her hand again and shakes her head.

"Water under the bridge dear. Nothing we can do now except focus on the future."

She turns back to Zane and I see the tears in her eyes as she stares at out son, with a wide smile on her face.

"Oh dear, you must be Zayde! It's so nice to meet you."

Zayde hides his face into his father's neck, being unusually shy.

Zane rubs his back.

"It's okay buddy, can you say hi to your grandma for daddy?"

Zayde looks at his father and nods slowly before he turns to his grandmother again, giving her a

small wave.

"Hallo grandma."

I see Diana quickly wiping the tears off her cheek and give Zayde another big smile.

"Hi little one. I'm your grandma, Diana. This is your grandpa, Jackson. That is your Aunt,

Annabeth. And your cousins, Amanda and Aria."

She point to each person as she mentions them.

Zayde lays his head on his father's chest and gives them another little wave.


He says shyly and I step closer, putting my hand on his back, rubbing it comfortingly and giving them a small smile.

"Sorry, he normally isn't this shy."

"Well, I guess it's normal seeing as this is the first time in five years he's meeting us."

Zane's father says coldly. I cringe internally, and move closer to Zane instinctively.

Zane frowns at his father and wraps his arm around me comfortingly, but before he can say

anything his mother turns around and swats his father's chest.

"Stop it Jackson! What did I just say about focusing on the future? He's here now that's all that matters. Don't alienate him by being mean to his mother."

She says with a stern face, he frowns but nods at her before facing me.

"She's right. I apologize. Welcome to our home Shay, Zayde. We're glad your here."

He looks at Zayde and gives him a warm smile and Zayde immediately smiles back at him.

"He looks just like you."

He says looking at Zane who just nods, smiling back at his father.

"Okay, well let's get inside and show you to your rooms. Then we can have some freshly baked cookies?"

Diana says clapping her hands together and Zayde immediately lifts his head up, at the same time the girls start to squeal.


"Mommy can I?"

I smile at him.

"Yes, but first we're going to go unpack, okay?"

Zayde sighs dramatically.

"Fine.. I'll wait.. and starve.."

Zane immediately starts to laugh.

"Seriously Zayde?! You just ate at the diner."

Zayde frowns at his father.

"But I didn't have any cookies."

The other adults laugh while me and Zane just shake our heads.

"Let's go get you unpacked. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can have some cookies yeah?"

Zane says, looking at our son who sighs again but nods.

"Fine. I'll unpack.. But there better be some cookies."

"There will be. I promise." Diana says with a smile before we walking into the packhouse.

Zane and Jackson follow her, the girls running after their uncle and grandfather.

I see Annabeth looking at me and I give her a nervous smile as we head inside as well.

"Hi, I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Annabeth."

I nod.

"Yeah I remember. It's good to see you again."

She gives me a smile.

"You too. I was really excited when Zane said you were coming over. I'm glad you're trying to work things out. I'm sorry for what happened."

I shake my head.

"It's not your fault."

"No.. But still.. I'm sorry about Dad as well. Don't take him to seriously. He's just a little upset, more so with your father than you. He feels like they've know each other all their lives, he considers him family and he feels betrayed that your dad didn't trust him enough to tell him about you and Zayde."

I frown.

"It wasn't his story to tell, but I guess I get it. I would be upset to. But there's nothing we can do about it now."

I say and shrug, she nods at me and we stop at a door at the end of the hall.

"Well here you are. Zane and Zayde is already unpacking in the room next door. Zane's room is

the one on your left. I'm on the floor just below. If you need anything let me know."

I smile at her.

"Thank you. I'll see you in a bit."

She nods and head for the stairs and I walk over to the room where I can smell Zane and Zayde.

I opened the door and I just watch them for a bit, talking while they are unpacking, well Zane is unpacking while Zayde just sits on the bed with a few shirts around him.

I clear my throat and arch my brow at Zayde.

He immediately gets of the bed and gives me an innocent smile, handing two of the shirt over to his father.

"Oh.. Hi mommy, look were unpacking."

Zane just lifts a brow and shake his head while I smile.

"Yes I can see. Now help your dad or no cookies for you. I'll be next door unpacking my things."

Zayde nods and quickly starts to help his father unpack his bags.

I shake my head and smile, closing the door and moving to my own room to start to unpack.

Well.. This could've gone way worse. At least Diana and Annabeth are nice.. Jackson.. I sigh. Well I guess we'll see how this goes.

I quickly unpack and then Zayde; Zane and myself head downstairs to join the rest of his family for some freshly baked cookies.

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