Returning To My Rejected Mate

Chapter 25 - Returning to my rejected mate

Shay's Point of View

I watch my son in amusement. Today is the day we're going to Zane's pack and he's buzzing with excitement. I can't get him to calm down and he keeps on talking very excitedly.

I shake my head and smile as once again he jumps up and runs to the window seeing if the car approaching is his dad's.

He squeals excitedly and starts to jump up and down.

"He's here! He's here!"

He yells and rushes to the front door pulling it open and running outside just as Zane steps out of his car.

Zayde rushes into him so quickly he loses his balance for a minute before regaining it again and scooping our son up to hug him tightly.

"Someone's excited."

Zane says and shoots me a grin over our son's head.

I nod and smile.

"Oh I know. He's been up since five and I can't get him to calm down and stop talking."

Zane laughs and looks at Zayde.

"Are you ready to go? Your grandparents can't wait to see you!"

As soon as I hear those words my heart rate spikes and I don't even hear Zayde's reply. I forgot about his parents. I haven't seen them since coming back.

"Hey, you okay?"

I feel the sparks running down my arm and I look up at Zane.

"What if they hate me?"

Zane's eyebrows draw together and he looks at me in confusion before I see realization cross over his face. He smiles and shakes his head while wrapping his free arm around me, hugging me to his side.

"It's going to be fine, you'll see. They don't hate you. My mother ripped me a new one. They're angry at me. Not you. They can't wait to see both of you."

I bite my lip nervously.

"Are you sure?"

He nods again and pulls my lip out from between my teeth.

"Don't do that. And yes I'm sure. Now do you both have all your stuff?

Zayde and I both nod at him and he smiles.

"Great, let's get going."

He leads us to the car and opens the trunk, putting our bags in before going to the backseat to buckle in Zayde. I move around to the passenger door but Zayde stops me.

"What are you doing?"

He ask me with a frown.

I frown as well, staring at him.

"I'm getting into the car."

"But I haven't gotten the door for you yet."

I roll my eyes.

"I can do it myself."

"I'm aware of that, but as your mate it's my privilege to open doors for you. Please let me."

Zane says as he opens my door for me and I blush while I get in. Before I can say anything he

closes the door en rushes over to his side and gets in.

He turns me and smiles.


I smile nervously at him.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess."

He nods and starts the car.

"How about you bud?"

He looks at Zayde in the rear view mirror.

Zayde nods vigorously.

"Yes! I can't wait!"

He yells excitedly and we both laugh at him.

"I'm glad your excited. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Are there many other kids as well?"

Zane nods.

"Yes, there are. You'll have lots of new friends to play with. My third in command, Ryan, has a 4

year old boy, I'm sure the two of you will be best of friends just like me and his dad."

I look over at Zane.

"Jake never mentioned Ryan finding his mate. Do I know her?"

Zane nods.

"Yes, I think so. Amy Wells. She's from your pack."

I nod.

"Oh yeah, I remember her. We never really spent any time together but she was pretty nice."

"Yes, she is. Her and Megan became fast friends. You three will get along well."

I nod at him but don't say anything.

We drive in silence for a while before Zayde speaks.



Zane looks at our son through the rear view mirror.

"Are we going to stay with you forever?"

Zane glances at me quickly before focusing on our son again.

"We'll see buddy. For now you're just visiting. Are you guys hungry? We can stop at the diner to

eat something?"

Before I can even answer, our son yells out very dramatically from the backseat.

"Yes! Please! I'm starving."

Zane chuckles and I shake my head.

"You're always starving, and you had breakfast so you can't be that hungry."

"Yes I can! That was ages ago! I'm a growing wolf! I need lots of food!"

Zane just smiles at him before he looks at me questioningly.

"Yes, we can go to the diner and get some food to feed our starving little wolf."

Zane's smile gets even bigger as he nods at me.


I ask arching my brow.


Zane shrugs.

"No, tell me."

"You said OUR. I like it."

I frown at him and shake my head.

"Your weird."

"That my be, but I'm your weirdo."

Zane smirks at me as he parks the car infront of the diner and gets out. He walks around back to

get Zayde and I make to open my door but his voice stops me.

"What are you doing?"

I open my mouth to answer him but he closes Zayde's door and opens mine, looking at me with

one of his eyebrows raised.

"I was just going to open my door."


"That is how you get out of the car Zane."

"I told you to let me get the door for you."

"Seriously Zane?"

I roll my eyes at him again as I get out.

He nods and takes my hand, pulling me along with him to the door.

"Yes seriously. This is what guys do too impress the girl. I still have too whoo you right? So let


I blush and look at him from across the booth as soon as we sit down. He looks so serious, just staring at me waiting for me to say something.

I give him a small smile and nod.

"Okay, fine. I'll try not to open the door myself."

He smiles at me.

"That's all I'm asking."

A waitress approaches us.

"Hi there. My name is Carol. Can I get you anything?"

She asks Zane with a big smile and I feel a sliver of anger rush through me when I realize she is only looking at Zane. With her breast practically in his face, almost spilling out of her shirt.

Zane, engrossed in his menu at the moment doesn't even realize what she's doing but I stare daggers at her.

Suddenly Zane's head snaps up and he looks at me with a confused expression before he realize her breast are right there in his face.

I see the points of his ear turning red and he clears his throat moving away from her and closer

to our son.

"Uhm, well I don't know what I want yet, my wife should probably order first for her and our son while I decide.

The blond waitress suddenly realize there indeed are two other people at the table and the smile on her lips go tight.

"Of course. What would you like?"

She turns to me with her tight smile and I see the hostility in her eyes.

I glare back at her.

"I'll have a bacon cheese burger with fries and a lime milkshake. He'll have some dino nuggets

with fries and a small chocolate milkshake."

She nods stiffly and turns back to Zane.

"And what will you have? Anything on or off the menu."

She practically purrs at him and I feel my cheeks heat up with annoyance. Zane looks at me again

looking a little worried, and Zayde looks over at me as well.

Zane clears his throat uncomfortably again.

"I'll just have what she's having. Thanks."

She nods, not looking in my direction once, and heads to the kitchen.

"Are you okay?"

"Mommy, why do you keep growling?"

Zane and Zayde asks at the same time.

I frown and look at them.

"What do you mean?"

"You were growling little wolf."

My eyes widen.

"Sorry. I didn't even realize. I just.. She was flirting with you right infront of me. She didn't even

notice me or our son. I just hate people like that."

He nods and squeezes my hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize how close she was. Or the fact that she was practically flashing me until

I heard you growl."

I shake my head.

"It's fine don't worry about it."

Suddenly that morning starts playing in my head. Him kissing that girl in the kitchen and my

heart constricts.


I look up and see the concerned expression on his face and I give him a tight smile.

"It's fine, I'm okay."

He doesn't look convinced and looks like he wants to say something but I stand up quickly.

"Please excuse me, I need to use the bathroom."

I rush away, I know he didn't do anything wrong but I just need a minute to gather myself.

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