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Perintah Kaisar Naga

Perintah Kaisar Naga

Perintah Kaisar Naga

Rating: 8.5 / 10 from 2 ratings
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4 months ago
The “Perintah Kaisar Naga ( Dave & marah )”  Today, author Dave & marah (author of Unprecedented Times) reviews a captivating romantic period drama. Perintah Kaisar Naga ( Dave & marah )  is one of the most famous romance authors in the world. She has written Urban novel, including paranormal and romantic suspense series like “Dave & marah” Identity of Romance”.” He has won numerous awards, including the Romance Writers of America Lifetime Achievement Award. Bab 1 Bebas dari penjara “Akhirnya saya bebas juga…….” Dave menggunakan tenaganya untuk menghirup udara segar dan menghembuskannya kembali! Dibelakang Dave, ada Penjara Sahara, tempat dia terkurung selama tiga tahun, dan hari ini akhirnya masa tahanannya berakhir. “Ah, entah bagaimana kabar orang tua ku sekarang?” Dave menenteng tas kain yang sudah robek, dan bergegas menuju jalan pulang ke rumahnya, selama tiga tahun orang tuanya tidak pernah datang membesuknya sama sekali, sekarang Dave merasa sangat mengkhawatirkan mereka. Dalam perjalanan pulang, Dave terus memperhatikan cincin perunggu yang ada ditangannya! Ukiran naga yang ada di cincin itu terlihat sangat hidup, bahkan di atas kepala naga itu terukir sebuah aksara mandarin yang berarti Perintah! Cincin itu diberikan kepadanya hari ini saat dia bebas oleh Ryu, teman sesama narapidananya. Ryu adalah orang yang sangat aneh, dia selalu mengoceh sepanjang hari, dan mengatakan kalau dirinya adalah penguasa Kuil Naga Langit, yang mengetahui rahasia langit dan bumi, juga seorang ahli forensik yang bisa menghidupkan kembali orang mati! Semua orang menganggap Ryu hanyalah orang gila, dan tidak ada yang memperdulikannya, hanya Dave yang kadang kala mencarinya untuk mengobrol, dan membagikan sedikit lauknya kepadanya. Setiap harinya, Ryu akan menceritakan beberapa hal aneh kepada Dave, tentang Kuil Naga Langit, tentang Pulau Naga, semua cerita itu tidak pernah Dave ketahui sebelumnya! Review by Dave & marah: This story gets a 4.5 out of 5. This book was fantastic! I really enjoy fantasy stories… greek mythology, Billionaire, Romance vampires, I love it all… and this book had it all and then some.  Anything fantasy or mythological, was in this book.  I really enjoyed how Cornell was able to bring them all together in a way that was seamless and natural (or at least as natural as made-up things can be).  What I mean is that when I learned these mythological characters were all in it I thought it was a recipe for disaster, but actually it works brilliantly. “Perintah Kaisar Naga ( Dave & marah )” The storyline was incredibly interesting and well thought out.  I imagine this story required an awful lot of planning and research.  As I was reading it I thought to myself that this must have taken some time to put together.  When a lot of planning and research is involved there are usually plot-holes (contradictions/missing information), but not in this case, I saw no errors in the complex plot. “Perintah Kaisar Naga ( Dave & marah )” The characters were fantastic.  They were relatable and the overall story itself was an incredibly interesting read.  The ONLY reason I am not giving this story a full 5 out of 5 is because of the ‘ease of reading’ factor.  I am an avid reader, I love reading, but even I found this story a little difficult to keep up with. It required my full attention and if I left it more than a day between reading chapters, I was lost. I had to go back in the book and re-read parts just to ‘get my bearings’.  This coupled with the volume of characters made the story a little difficult to read, BUT it was well worth reading. If you are a Billionaire, lover, you have to read this book! I guarantee, you will love it. Perfect for adults (16+ due to the content) who enjoy: Billionaire Mythology: Greek mythology and mythological characters (Billionaire, Love, Romance, vampires) Learning from reading Getting lost in a complex storyline. (Popular Information)

Perintah Kaisar Naga novel is a popular light novel covering Novel genres. Written by the Author FindNovel . Read Perintah Kaisar Naga novel online for free.