Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 84 Cavequake

The trio was dragged into another smithy by a similarly eager dwarf, but in the end, that one also said the exact same thing that the first one said. Determined, the group still continued looking for a new smithy, but after a total of 2 hours, having visited a total of over 20 smithies around the village, not even a single smith said that he was able to fix Lyrian's obsidian blade.

As they left their most recent one, they walked through the streets once again. Now, Alten slouched his shoulders in, feeling sluggish by the repeated rejections by everyone.

Lyrian still hadn't lost hope, however, and wanted to get his sword fixed as soon as possible even though hours had passed. "Hey! It's still not fixed!" He shouted again into the crowd for the 21st time, but this time, no one even batted an eye.

As they stood in the middle of the street, everyone just walked by them as if they weren't there. Seeing this, Lyrian heaved a breath of frustration, "How is this possible? A village of dwarfs not being able to fix a blade made of simple obsidian." He exclaimed in his confusion.

Hearing Lyrian, Leon now suggested something else, "Lyrian, I feel the best option now is to just get another sword from here and fix yours at a later date. After all, according to the blacksmiths, they cannot fix your blade, and it's not even a good blade anyways."

Lyrian wasn't upset at Leon's request, "I wanted to get it fixed quickly, but you're right. If no one can fix it right now, another sword will probably have to do." He said as they walked.


Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook for some reason, "What the hell was that!?" Alten said, nearly losing his balance.


Out of nowhere, it felt like an earthquake broke loose as the ground started to shake uncontrollably. Fruits and other small selling items in the stalls fell to the floor as the dwarfs quickly began making their way into random homes.

"It's happening again! Get inside everyone! Quickly!" A dwarf yelled as everyone ran inside.

Lyrian and the two were left frozen in confusion, "I guess we should go inside somewhere as well huh?" Lyrian said as he was suddenly pulled by the arm into a random smithy.

Alten and Leon were also taken into the same one, as the door was swiftly shut. Inside, there was a total of 7 dwarfs of male and female gender standing to the left side, with another next to the door.

"You guys, are you new?" The one next to the door, wearing a gray woolen tunic said.

"Yes, what's going on? We came here to get a sword fixed." Alten replied.

"Oh yes, I've heard about you three. Well, what's going on is very simple, a cavequake." The dwarf with a head full of short white hair and bright silver eyes replied.

"A cavequake?" Lyrian questioned.

"Yes, precisely. It's a common occurrence here inside the Flatstone Mountain cave systems, but I wouldn't expect you newcomers to know of it. Although it's common, it is still extremely dangerous if you are outside, but inside our fortified dwarven structures, there is nothing to worry about. But, it's happening more recently nowadays because of the exam that's going on. Im sure you can guess how that affects the normal environmental state of the land. Anywho, you guys aren't having any luck huh?"

Lyrian saw this as an opportunity to get a sword before leaving, something he thought about just a few moments before, "Yes, we have been unlucky so far. It looks like obsidian is too bad of material for blacksmiths of the dwarf to know how to forge," Lyrian said, but just as he was about to ask for another sword, the dwarf replied.

"Haha! You would be right about that. Here, let me take a look at it." He said, going over to his own wooden table.

On hearing this, Alten spoke, "But, you know that it's an obsidian blade, so wouldn't it be a waste of time to look at it?"

Before the white-haired dwarf could reply, another one on the side spoke, "Give it to him." He said.

The trio looked back to see a familiar face. It was the first dwarf that they had looked at Lyrian's sword. Knowing it was him, they decided to listen further, and their interest peaked slightly.

"Although we all like to say we are the best in the village, that dwarf there is unmatched when it comes to the Flatstone Mountain smiths. If anyone here can fix it, I would trust him to be able to." The dwarf spoke confidently.

"I see," Lyrian said, taking out his hilt and putting it on the table in front of the white-haired dwarf.

"Hmm..." The dwarf picked it up in the air, putting on his pair of small glasses as he inspected it closely, "Im afraid... I will not be able to fix this blade either."

Hearing this, Lyrian quickly spoke, "That's no problem." He was already used to this. However, just before he could ask for another sword, the dwarf spoke again.

"But, do not fret boys," The white-haired dwarf suddenly smiled, "Drodos! Is he here this month?." He shouted at the first dwarf that inspected Lyrian's blade.

"Yes! He said he was going to stay near Yaltas since they were going to do the thing next year." Drodos shouted back.

'The thing? This person they are talking about... he travels entire kingdoms?' Lyrian questioned as he heard the two dwarfs conversate.

"My brother is in town, well, I guess not exactly in town, but he will be able to fix your sword, there's no doubt about it." The white-haired dwarf said.

Alten wasn't fully satisfied with this, "Are you sure? At this point, every dwarf in this village has said that and it hasn't been true. Will your brother be able to fix it?"

As he said this, the entire room suddenly burst out into a ball of laughter. All seven dwarfs and even the white-haired one began to laugh.

"You have my word, in fact, you can take my life if he does not have the ability to fix an obsidian sword. My brother isn't like the rest of us, he is one of the greatest blacksmiths known across the Immortal Plains... but enough of that. You can trust me." The white-haired dwarf said.

"Alright, I trust you." Lyrian abruptly spoke, shocking Alten and even Leon a little.

"Why so sudden?" Alten questioned.

"This dwarf travels entire kingdoms seemingly frequently and easily. He doesn't seem like some small shot," He said to Alten as he turned back to the dwarf behind the table, "Can you give me directions to where he is?"

"Of course, If it's like normal, he will be situated in the heart of the Poison Spider's nest... since he doesn't like people disturbing him let's just say. Signs should point out where the nest is, and you will find your own way once inside. You may want to say that I sent you, but I doubt that would make a difference when you actually get there,"

The dwarf paused as Lyrian said, "Huh?" In slight confusion.

"But don't worry! I'm certain he will accept you." The dwarf concluded.

"What?" Lyrian said, still slightly confused.

"You will be fine! It seems the cavequake has ended now, you are safe to make your way there, hehe," The dwarf awkwardly laughed, scratching his head.contemporary romance

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