Chapter 672
Chapter 672: Frowning, Harlee opened it, thinking it might be Etta pulling one of her usual stunts.
However, to her surprise, she found her mother.
Usually, Skyla would be asleep at this hour.
What was going on? Mom? Why are you still awake? Harlee asked, slightly surprised.
Skyla stood awkwardly, her smile strained.
After a moment, she hesitantly asked, Harlee, may I come in? I need to talk to you.
Of course, Harlee replied, stepping aside to let Skyla in.
They sat together on the sofa, but Skyla appeared burdened, unsure of how to begin.
Several times she tried to speak, only to stop short.
Skyla believed Nyomis words without hesitation.
Nyomis sharp memory could recount events from many years ago, and there was no plausible reason for her to fabricate such a claim.
Yet, Skyla felt conflicted.
Should she embrace her daughter with compassion or stay silent to avoid stirring up painful memories? After wrestling with her thoughts, she resolved to address the matter directly.
Harlee… Nyomi mentioned that she remembers seeing you as a child… Harlee felt a ripple of surprise wash over her.
Although Nyomis face sparked a flicker of recognition, she couldnt place where she might have seen Nyomi before, perhaps in her childhood.
Before Harlee could untangle her jumbled memories, Skyla added, Nyomi mentioned spotting you in a small park years ago.
Back then, you were just a small girl, always wandering to the slide by yourself.
In an instant, a surge of forgotten memories overwhelmed Harlee.
She remembered now.
Nyomi had indeed crossed paths with her in that treasured nook of her early years.
That place was her secret refuge, especially on the days Averie shooed her away.
On one such day, driven by hunger, Harlee had approached Nyomi, who was holding a piece of bread, and timidly asked to share it, even offering a small performance as thanks.
Find more content at ɢ????????????σ????????????????.cоm From then on, Nyomi had become a guardian angel of sorts, occasionally appearing with treatssometimes delectable pastries, other times steaming bowls of noodle soup, each visit a surprise.
But after several encounters, Nyomi vanished without a trace.
Harlee never expected the kind elderly woman to be Nyomi.
The twists of fate were indeed puzzling.
Skyla observed the melancholy in Harlees eyes, unable to read her thoughts.
After a long silence, she took Harlees hands in hers, her voice tinged with regret.
Im sorry… It was my carelessness that lost you, leading to your hardship since then.
Harlee felt a subtle flutter in her chest.
Skylas reaction was precisely what she had predicted, and that was why she had kept her suffering in the past hidden from Skyla, fearing the sorrow it would bring her.
With a comforting grip on Skylas hand, Harlee consciously softened her tone.
Mom, dont blame yourself.
Those who had snatched me away were at fault.
The Gill family was to blame for their mistreatment of me, never treating me as one of their own.
So, mom, its not your fault.
It seems fate has woven this moment for us to be together again.
Tears sprang to Skylas eyes as she listened to Harlees words.
Despite the cruel hardships Harlee had faced, her spirit remained untarnished by bitterness.
In a voice filled with gentleness, enveloping the cool night air, Harlee reassured her.
Its all behind us now, right? Im here with you, and the Gills have faced their consequences.
Surely, this is the closure we needed, right? .