Chapter 607
Chapter 607: Are you going to confess the truth, or not? Harlees voice cut through the air, icy and sharp enough to immobilize someone.
Confronted with Harlees steely gaze, Averies emotions teetered on the brink of collapse.
She let out a shrill, piercing scream.
You ungrateful bitch! How can you treat me this way? Watch out, karma is looming over you, ready to strike.
A grim fate awaits you! Yet, Harlees face held a trace of a mocking smile, unswayed by Averies outburst.
She lightly tapped Averies cheek, her tone unchanged as she repeated her question.
Resolute yet shaken, Averie retorted, I wont divulge anything to you! Her words faltered as haunting memories from the recent days surged to the forefront of her thoughts, stifling her resolve.
The truth? What truth? Harlee, is this some twisted plot of yours? Dismissing Averies accusations with a wave, Harlee rose to her feet and turned to Vinson.
Since she refuses to speak, keep the pressure on and dont stop.
A blistering block of red-hot iron was once more thrust against Averies back.
Ah… Harlee, you… You fucking bitch! Youll suffer a grim fate… Averies screams reverberated through the interrogation chamber, intermingled with her coarse curses.
With each expletive Averie hurled, Vinsons grip tightened, his hand growing ever more oppressive.
Yet, Harlee, resolute and unswayed, watched impassively.
She was acting under orders from Baldrick.
Lаtєst chαptєrs in g????l????ov????ls.cοm She needed to eliminate the militarys mole within a month, a directive that brought her to this grim scene.
The helicopter that had nearly managed to extract Chamberlain from the mountain was later discovered abandoned in a scrapyard, utterly destroyed, its pilot mysteriously vanished.
Despite a secret sweep across the entire military, no evidence surfaced of anyone absconding during that critical period.
The mole remained a phantom, elusive and enigmatic, seemingly more than just a mere mole.
Chamberlain, under relentless torture, preferred death over betrayal.
The complexity and depth of this case only deepened, adding layers of intrigue and mystery.
Thirty minutes had passed.
Despite the brutal and illicit methods of questioning, Averie resolutely stuck to her claim of ignorance, ultimately collapsing from the ordeal.
Vinson attempted to rouse Averie by whipping and splashing her with icy water, yet she did not stir.
Harlee observed Averies limp form on the cold floor with a detached air, her voice steady and impassive.
Once shes conscious, break her down piece by piece.
Show no mercy.
Vinson paused, a twinge of moral conflict evident in his expression.
Miss Sanderson, isnt it possible that she genuinely doesnt know anything? Harlees gaze was piercing, her eyes dark and unfathomable as a bottomless pit.
If you have reservations, feel free to make a formal complaint.
If you lack the courage, then obey my commands! Her words left no room for ambiguity.
Her orders were absolute.