Celestial Queen: Revenge Is Sweet When You’re A Zillionaire Heiress

Chapter 432

Chapter 432: Next to Brenton, Kareem had a contrast expression, with a mocking smile on his face.


If Rhys is whom he chooses Harlee, what can your disapproval do the irritation of Brenton was not affected by the comment.

Taking his back on the scene before them, his voice was cold.

- How is that man worthy of our Harlela smile of Kareem became broader, but faded quickly when his expression changed in response to the scene before them .

Rhys boldly kissed Harlee on the cheek right in front of them! What an impudence in public! By noticing that Kareem's expression changed in an instant, Brenton joked: You are not happy with your future brother -in Family without our approval.

It is going from the line! Rhys, gently touching his cheek, in a resonant voice, he asked: You are going to the Spheredale gala this year.

Why, Harlee asked.

Rhys's gaze softened, his lips curved in a smile of complicity.

Go to hear these words, Harlee lowered his head and laughed between teeth, hiding the warmth of his eyes.

He nodded and said: I should go.

My mother has mentioned it several times.

It seems that he really wants him to attend.

Rhys' eyes posed in it with affection.

Okay, then we'll see each other tonight.

After a few more words, Harlee left Bentley and went to the entrance of the town.

He saw the truck behind her, but decided to ignore her while entering.

He slightly shook his head, reflecting on how annoying his constant care of her brother could be.

Brenton turned to look back, with skeptical expression.

Cold on the couch, preparing tea, while Skyla worked at a lovely auxiliary table, delicately fixing a bouquet.

Warmness.Cariño, you've returned.

At the listening of Harlee's voice, Skyla stopped taking care of the flowers and quickly approached her.

You want to accompany me to Spheredle's gala tonight, he asked in an excited voice.

While he spoke, Skyla opened his arms and wrapped Harlee in a tender hug.

Harlee's eyelashes stirred gently while murmured: of course.

Internally, he let a sigh ...

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