Chapter 63
My poor heart was throbbing really hard. I tried to scream or run but I couldn't seem to move.
She quickly wrapped her hand around my wrist, the knife was smiling its sharpness at me like it was ready to slit my throat. "Go upstairs and don't say a word." She whispered, glancing around and started pulling me towards the stairs.
I was so scared to even attempt to run so I let her pull me all the way to my room.
God, save me. I internally prayed.
She shut the door behind her, sauntered to the bed and gently pushed me to it, shushing me again though I wasn't speaking.
Gosh, how could I not have thought of Faith? She had the same red hair as the person that was spying on us at the company. Who else could've known that I cried my eyes out except three of them? There's no way I could've suspected her, I thought she was a good friend. So she was the devil in the disguise of an angel?
She glanced around, still pointing the knife at me before her gaze finally rested on me.
"F-Faith... wh-what's... what's happening?" I managed to stutter, my chest was rising and falling really fast beyond my control.
She tilted her head, staring at me with her eyes narrowed then chuckled; a chuckle that confused me. "I'm not going to harm you. We're friends, remember?" She whispered. "Uh?" I lifted an eyebrow, staring between her face and the knife.
"Oh, this?" She stared at it. "It's not for you, it's protection." She dropped the knife beside me on the bed and I flinched while she rolled her eyes, shambling to the door.
She poked her head out of the door for a few seconds before she left the room, leaving a confused me looking like an idiot. She returned after a few minutes, heaving a sigh. "I think it's safe."
"What's going on?" I was beyond perplexed.
She chuckled again. "I'm not here to kill you. I can't even hurt a strand of your hair, why would I harm you? You're the only true friend I've had in my entire life." "So..." I trailed off, trying to let this sink into my head. "I'm very confused, what's going on?"
"I'll let you know everything. Has Hames told you anything about Samantha?
My eyes went wide. "You know her too?"
"Yeah, she's my sister." She said and I gasped.
"Who is she? Hames said she's obsessed with him and nothing else but I don't understand who she is and why she's sending crazy messages to me." "Oh, that's all he told you?"
"Is there more to it?" I held her arms, rising to my feet.
"Uh..." she twittered, nervously scratching the back of her neck. "I guess he has to tell you on his own."
"Tell me now!" I ordered.
She gazed at me with fear ringing in her eyes then sighed. "Okay, she wants to kill you."
I let go of her and moved backwards. "K-kill me?"
"Let me explain. I went to church last Sunday and the Pastor preached about friends' betrayal so I've been feeling so guilty like I'm betraying you." "You're betraying me?"
"Of course not!" She snapped. "I'm not terrible."
"Like I said before, my sister is Samantha. We were both really great friends and always followed the path of God till our Parents died many years back and we were separated.
"We finally met each other again a few months ago and I was so happy but she has backslidden from Christ and the good ways. I thought I could restore her good life but I was so wrong.
"She sent me here to spy on you so she'll have her way. I made sure to let her know that I won't do anything dangerous and she promised I won't. I made friends with you and of course I wasn't able to carry out the mission she wants me to; she's obsessed with Hames and wants me to tell her everything about you till she gains everything she'll need to know about you."
"And you've been doing that?!" I exclaimed.
"Of course not. I only did it for the first three days and had to stop because I'm not a terrible person."
"Then she has been sending me those text messages and calls, right?"
"From what I just figured out, yes."
"That means you let her know I cried when she said Hames died and you were there at the office spying on us."
"No, no, no."
"Then how do you know this if you're not still working for her. I saw your red hair that day at the office."
"She's my sister so we both have red hair, jeez. The day you cried, it wasn't me, I promise. She has a lot of people she sends to be housemaids for different rich people and collects half of their salaries from the head maids. "Concerning the fact that she knew you were crying, I didn't know the Head Maid was working for her. I wanted to get water for you from the kitchen and the head maid was there. You were acting crazy around the house so she asked what happened and I told her you received a text that your husband is dead and you're crying your eyes out.
"The head maid quit her job for some unknown reason and this morning while you were cooking, Hames promoted me to be the head maid because I'm the closest to you. I was so happy because my salary would be triple and I won't have to be scared of losing my job if Sam ever finds out I told you the truth.
"I had gone to Sam last night to let her know I didn't want this anymore and didn't care if I lost my job but I was attacked by some animals on my way, that's when I was so scared and returned home this morning. This morning, I decided to go again but before I could enter, I eavesdropped on their conversation. She was speaking with the Head Maid and my Ex-boyfriend, that's when I found out that the Head Maid was working for her.
"They were planning together against sending more threat messages to you but my Ex-boyfriend is very crazy, that's why I left him, and because he was so drunk this morning, he was insisting on killing you. They tried to stop him but he angrily left them so I started running back home and grabbed a knife with me on my way.
"I was so scared, I thought he had gotten here. I wanted to run as fast as I could to protect you by hiding you in your room then try to distract him but if he hasn't arrived now then it means he's no longer coming. He probably got distracted on his way, as always." She rolled her eyes. "I shushed you, just if he was already in because he's very sneaky, and I really apologize for that."
I didn't know how to react to this. It sounded so... I don't know, it's confusing.
Her face twisted in worry. She dropped to her knees. "Please don't fire me. Believe me, I mean no harm. I promise you I want what's best for you. You're the only friend I've made in my entire life. None of my former bosses have been so nice to me and I've never been able to be with good people but you're the only friend I don't want to lose. I promise I'll protect you no matter what, I won't ever betray you."
"Please stand."
She slowly rose to her feet. "As the Head Maid, I'll be certain there's no head maid I have to follow her orders everytime and be scared of if she makes sure I'm fired, by letting the person who brought me here know I'm no longer following her orders. Please trust me."
"My life is in danger."
"I'm not going to harm you. I promise to protect you even if it's the last thing I'll ever do. Please don't stop being friends with me, you're the only person that makes me happy in this terrible life I live." Tears were rolling down her face. I pulled her into a hug. "Stop crying. We all live in this world. For letting me know this, I should trust you."
"You're the best person in the world. God bless you. I promise to pray for you every day of my life."
I smiled. She was just like Mia.