300 Days With The Alpha Beta Triplets

Chapter A FIGHT


I hated them so much, but why did it hurt again seeing him with Fae? She was the person who had attempted to murder me, and yet he showered her with love.

"Fuck you!" I groaned, slapping my chest for the pain it felt.

I walked as fast as I could to Hazel's room.

When I grabbed the handle, Hazel caught my left hand.

"Bella!" she called out. I turned to face her with tears shimmering in my eyes. "You do not have to keep doing this to yourself, please, Bella," she pleaded. I swallowed hard, pulled the door open, and threw myself onto the bed.

She shut the door and walked towards the bed.

"I'm fine," I muttered. She tried to hold my hand, but I withdrew, because I was ashamed that she had to see me this way.

I wiped away my tears, then I took a deep breath, turning off my emotions. I was a fool for switching them back on, and I didn't care if I was running from my problems. This seemed better, and I had better things to waste my emotions than some boys who didn't give two shits about me.

"Let's get to school. We have only thirty minutes, and I'll need one of your uniforms," I said, forcing a smile onto my face.

Hazel's face contorted with a frown.

"You can't go to school yet, Bella. I know you are..."

I placed my hand on her lips before she could finish, then walked to her wardrobe, grabbed a uniform, and threw it on the bed. Then I walked into the bathroom without looking back at her.

When I got out, Hazel was gone, but I saw a note on the bed.

"Going to the cafeteria to see if I can grab us some snacks."

I grabbed one of her tote bags, slung it over my shoulder, and then rushed out of the room. I hurried out of the building and to the classroom halls, in fear that they might get locked. When I got there, I realized the students were just arriving, and the hall was rowdy.

Taking a deep breath, I walked through the flock of students, hoping no one would notice me. When I got to my locker, I sighed in relief and opened it to get out my textbooks. After I stuffed them into my bag, I pulled away to shut my locker, but someone beat me to it, startling me.

"Look who's back from the sick bay!" a big red-haired kid in front of me yelled, drawing attention from the crowd to


Judging by the reaction from the students, he wasn't as popular as the triplets, because only a few students were interested in what he was doing, so I tried to remain calm to avoid aggravating the situation.

"Who are you, and what do you want?"

"Your biggest nightmare, honey. One that would wish to fuck that pretty face of yours," he whispered into my ear, sending a shiver up my spine.

His words sent my stomach into knots, which made me feel like throwing up. I looked up at him with my eyes narrowing at the sight of his thick black pupils, and he chuckled, grabbing my bag from me.

"I like the necklace on your neck too, and I want it," he said, slamming my back against the locker. I closed my eyes, waiting for the worst to happen.

He grabbed the necklace and was about to yank it off my neck when I heard a familiar voice.

"Pick on someone your own size!"

Before I could tell, the guy was off me, and I opened my eyes to see him on the ground with Ryder on top of him. Ryder slammed his fist into the guy's face multiple times, causing the entire school to erupt in an uproar, and everyone took out their phones as usual to capture the moment for the blog.

"Ryder, stop!" Fae yelled, trying to pull him off the guy, but he pushed her away, causing people to murmur.

I stood still, with no reaction.

"No one messes with my mate but me!" Ryder growled, continuously hitting the boy until Mother arrived with the school security.

The students began to run in circles while some gathered around. I stood still in the crowd, watching Ryder with his bloodied shirt as the men in uniform pulled him off the student.

Everything seemed like a movie, but it was happening in real life.

"Mr. Ashcroft, what the hell has gotten into you?" Mother yelled, and I took to my heels before she could recognize me in the crowd.

I turned my emotions off, but why was my chest feeling weird? I questioned myself as I made my way to class. "There you are!" Hazel's excited voice cut through my thoughts as she threw her arms around my neck.

"You are on the Fangtastic Diaries!" she squealed while I stared at her with no emotions. "Fae is going to jump off a cliff when she sees this." She shoved her phone in my face.

'I hope she does,' I thought to myself.

I watched the video of Ryder beating the red-haired guy with Fae standing in the crowd with a frown on her face, after which she ran off in tears.

"It looks like Bella has given Fae a run for the heart of the hottest guy in school."

Even after that, I felt nothing.

"I just want to go through a normal day without drama. Is that too much to ask for?"

The siren went off when I said this, and Hazel grabbed my hand.

"I guess it is a little too late for that, and you are about to find out why," she said, running down the hallway with my hand in hers.

In no time, we were gathered in the school auditorium with all the students. I saw Mother on the stage with Ryder, causing my heart to skip a beat. She said a lot of things, advising us not to engage in fights. Through it all, I could barely hear a thing because my mind was on Ryder, who had his head bent down.

"Mr. Ashcroft, you are hereby suspended for a week. This includes daily community service for the school and one week of detention," Mother said, and the entire school exclaimed.

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